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The Universal Ministry Logo Explained

The logo for the Universal Ministry is comprised of sacred religious symbols from many traditions and faiths:  The Christian Cross or Crucifix, the Crescent Moon and Star, the Star of David, the Triple Goddess Spiral, and the Yin-Yang, all safely framed within the protection of a five pointed star called a Pentacle.

While it is not possible to depict all sacred symbols from the world here, our hope was to represent a wonderful cross-section of faith that would show how we welcome fellowship and religious scholarship with different faiths and traditions from all over the world.


The Pentacle Explained

The five-pointed star, or Pentacle, is primarily a symbol of Wicca and other Earth-based religions. The pentacle represents the four sacred elements which comprise our natural, material life experience, and the fifth point represents the presence of Spirit, or Mind, through which humanity transcends the material substance of the four elements.


Represents growth, nature, sustenance, prosperity, money, manifestation, materialization, body, maternal nurturing, The Goddess, ancestors, death, plants, caverns, fields..


Represents the wind, the mind, intellect, inspiration, words, thoughts, philosophy, new beginnings, knowledge, enlightenment.


Represents love, emotion, intuition, cleansing, sorrow, purification, the Feminine, bodies of water.


Represents creativity, energy, will, passion, motivation, the Masculine, The God, psychic abilities, sun, healing, destruction.


Represents the energy of the Creator or Divine All. this is the energy that transcends all of the other elements.


moon phases


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