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Back to Abbey's Road
Sunday, June 23, 2002
This weekend Caisy and I drove up to Chicago. It was interesting-- I wasn't sure how it would turn out, seeing as we didn't really have anything to do, or anywhere to go, but in the end, we proved to be two pretty resourceful chicks. Saturday we mostly stayed on Michigan Avenue/State Street, the touristy/upscale shopping areas. We didn't really buy much of anything, and there's some nice scenery, but honestly, I don't feel very comfortable in that area. I'm always very on-edge and nervous, so I can never really breathe when I'm spending time there. Sunday was much better though-- we went to Boystown, the Broadway/Clark Street area (my Mom thinks it used to be called Old Town, but I have no idea). It was wonderful. Boystown, Caisy informed me, is supposed to be the "gay area" and there were lots of rainbow flags and Pride posters, which I assume was even more than usual since next week is the Pride Parade. It really just seemed like more of an artsy area, the kind of area that you think of when you imagine a big-city neighborhood, definately more so than walking around downtown.I really fell in love with all the little artsy-fartsy shops, vintage stores (finally I found some!), used cd shops, etc. I bought a really funky tie that is red with white letters all over it and a great vintage stewardess/airplane bag. I also got a cute old-school Beatles button, and a holographic Jesus postcard that I knew my brother would love. Overall, I think Cais and I did a great job, maeuvering our little small-town selves through the big city :) I can't wait to go back.
Oh, and the highlight of the trip for me had to be when, on the way home, we passed the WWF Smackdown Tour bus...it made the whole trip worthwhile :)
Monday, June 24, 2002

Today I'm wearing my groovy new Chicago tie with the white letters all over it. I feel like Annie Hall or something. All I need now is a felt hat and Woody Allen.

Everyone keeps asking me what it says, but I think they're just random letters. At least I hope so. My only fear about buying/wearing it is that its not really a jumble, but in fact some Neo-Nazi code or something. Hmmm. I'll let everyone know if I'm invited to a Klan meeting. *shudder*
(By the way, Nikki asked me if I was trying to be Kelly Osbourne with it. Whatever. I'm the height of fashion with this puppy. And besides, who is she to talk about any member of the Osbournes when she herself is nothing more than a Jack Sabbath groupie ;)

So today I almost have the I.S. summer newsletter written. It's weird, my mom wanted me to write an article about my leaving here, but it's hard for me to write about "saying goodbye to long-time employee Abbey" without feeling like a big, self-centered nerd. The same thing happened when I was writing my resume and at my job interview. I guess I'm just not so good at talking about myself and my achievments (at least when people actually
want to hear about them).

Anyway, I have to run home and add my the memorabilia and junk I collected from Chicago into my journal, so I'd better get going. Till next time...
As if the page wasn't self-indulgent enough...
Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Grrr...I was trying to burn myself a "Summer Songs" cd, but the computers are both being screwy. It's really annoying. Plus, my favorite mp3 site, Audiogalaxy, recently got shut down,so I have to make due with what I already have. Oh well. I guess I'll have to do without "Build me up buttercup."

Tonight I think Caisy and I are going to Denny's to work on our screenplay, if you can even call the random notes that. I'm afraid we're just going to keep talking in circles and not have anything to ever show for it. I think it's a good story, but it seems so unattainable right now, especially since we have so little on paper. I guess I just have to have faith in Caisy's dream and hold on for the ride :)

Had a very good salad lunch at home today and was able to catch Cracker on Last Call with Carson-the-tool on E!. I really should go out and buy their cd because I do really like them. I'm just too broke at the moment, though, and I should get to know the other 2 or 3 of theirs that I have already before I got spending more money on music I don't listen to enough. Bad habit.

Last night I watched Mallrats and spent a little Abbey-Time at home. It's been a while, what with Cais getting back into town and Nikk visiting. I even had a chance to go out, but I turned it down. It was nice to be able to give myself permission to say no and stay in because I want to.

Been listening a lot to Joni Mitchell "Blue" the last few days. It's really a spectacular album. I have "California" running through my head..."Oh it gets so lonely, when you're walkin, and the streets are full of strangers..."
Tuesday, July 2, 2002

Note about the last entry: I did finally get the computer working, and actually made 2 summer music cds. They're really fun, I've been listening to them a lot. Good music for a sunny day with the windows down.

Speaking of which, I've had two good car-music-moments in the last few weeks. The first was when Nikk was visiting. We were driving somewhere, listening to my "Car Music" cd (and yes, there is a difference between Car Music and Summer Music) and "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on. Now, this song has a way of elliciting a response from just about anyone. We, being the evolved intellectuals that we are, chose to Wayne's World response. We proceeded to sing every word at the top of our lungs (and Nikki never sings, either), and, as if that wasn't enough, we added some very grand, opera-esque hand gestures to boot. I'm sure we were quite a sight for all the cars passing us on 52 :)

The other Car Music moment was when Caisy and I drove to Chicago 2 weekends ago. On Sunday we were heading up Lakeshore Drive. It was sunny and gorgeous, we could look over and see everyone out on the beach and all the sailboats on the lake. And then, to make it even better, the new Counting Crows song, "American Girls", which I am currently in love with, can on the radio. It was just such a perfect moment: the sunny weather, the city in the rearview mirror, looking forward to where we were going, being independent and happy...It was one of those moments that you just want to fold up and keep in your pocket so you can get it out and feel it again on a not-so-good day.

Anyway, the last week has been good. Saw Robin WIlliams on Saturday night (hilarious!) and went to Chicago for the Pride Parade on Sunday. That was really fun-- fabulous drag queens (my favorite was the one dressed as Halle Berry recieving her Oscar), cute boys in little shorts and sailor hats dancing on floats, all the free condoms you can grab...what more could a girl ask for? :)