What I Believe

I believe in me, not in any God, or devils, or angels, or faeries, or little forest pixies, or Santa Claus.

I believe the aforementioned "beings"(except me obviously) are on the same footing, totally and unquestionably mythical.

I believe that religion belongs to the infancy of humankind and that now we should grow up.

I believe that fear and ignorance were the first creators of the Gods and of religions, and that the same fear and ignorance has kept them alive to this day.

I believe that humans are part of Nature and the product of a long process of evolution. I reject creationism in all its forms, espcially biblical or islamic creationism.

I believe that what you see is what we get. Humans are material beings not endowed with any so-called "soul" or "spirit." The outside world is natural from start to finish and so are humans.

I believe that there is no such thing as the supernatural, just the natural, and that we learn what the natural through our senses.

I believe that any parent who teaches a child to fear some unknown supernatural Being, be it a God or a Devil, is psychologially molesting this child, and this is especially true when it comes to such teachings as eternal punishment, or some other horrific place one goes to in the so-called afterlife.

I believe that religions cause more harm than good and should be abandoned, espcially Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

I believe that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been three of the most harmful religions in human history, and they continue to be so. I believe we should work a getting rid of these religions because of the harm they've done.

I believe that science is the only valid way to gain knowledge of the natural world. I therefore reject supernatural "revelations" of any kind.

I believe that after I die, I will go back from whence I came, I will go back to Mother Earth, to be recycled. I will NOT live past my bodily life.

I believe that morality is a natural bi-product of evolution, not revealed by some supernatural Big-Daddy-In-The-Sky.

I believe that books like the Bible and the Qur'an are harmful to humanity and should be abandoned. In other words, we humans should grow the fuck up!

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