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Heroes of Three Kingdoms (Cao Wei)

Cao Cao    Mengde   

    Cao Mengde was often reffered as the villian of the Three Kingdoms peroid. He was nicked named Hero of the Chaos. He was told that he had power to create a empire, and had the ability to ruin one. He fought in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, leading the calvaries. Afterward when the villian, Dong Zhuo hold the emperor hostage in Luo Yang, he attempted to assinate him. However, he failed, so he fled. Than along with Yuah Shao, they formed an anti-Dong Zhuo alliance. Afterward, he decided to create his own empire. He defeated many warlords, and stabilized the North. When he tried to swallowed the South, he was hilariously defeated by Sun Quan and Liu Bei in the Battle of Chi Bi. It was said he was almost kill, but saved by Guan Yu, who he had help before. He died of illness, in his seventies. Stories told that it is because Guan Yu was killed in Fan Castle, he started to have nightmare of seeing Guan Yu, and because of that he got sick and die.

Zhang Liao    Wenyuan   

   Zhang Liao was the head of the Five Tigers of Wei. He was a unpredictable officer. He first served Ding Yuan. When Ding Yuan was killed by Lu Bu, he followed Lu Bu. Afterward when Lu Bu was captured and killed, he defected to Cao Cao's ranks. He was said to be a good friend to many famous officers which included the Xu Huang, "God of War" Guan Yu and Cao Cao, himself. In fact, it was Zhang Liao who conivnced Guan Yu to join Cao Cao's force for a short peroid of time. In the batte of Chi Bi, he shot the Wu's veteran, Huang Gai, which allowed Cao Cao to retreat safetly. However ZHang Liao earned his title in the Battle of Hei Fei, in which he earned the phrase "Hear Zhang Liao's name, babies do not dared to cry at night.". In that battle, he scared the Wu's army so much, both civilians and soldiers admired his strenght. In fact, he almost killed SUn Quan in that battle. Afterward he returned to Wei. He served both Cao Cao and Cao Pi. He died of natural cause, after his death his son, Zhang Hu continued to serve Wei.