The Awesome Site of R.F. Mikael, the Most Tenacious Fighter of the Red Faction!


 Alexander Tvardovsky and his hero Vasily Terkin

"Since the first days of bitter years,
In the hard times of our dear land,
Not jokingly, Vasily Terkin,
We became the closest friends."

Alexander Tvardovsky, from Vasily Terkin.

For an uplifting tune, click Here (800Kb) to download the song "Soldiers, Head Out!" from the1954 movie Maxim Perepelitza.

Disclaimer: This site serves educational and gaming purposes only. This site is not in any way affiliated with nazi, fascist, racist or other totalitarian parties and organizations including the Republican and Democratic parties of the USA. The webmaster does not support any neo-Nazi or Neo-Stalinist organizations or the feeble efforts of criminal pseudo-historians to deny genocide, blame the victims and glorify criminals in hopes of reviving defeated ideologies.

The webmaster of this site hopes merely to promote objective study of history for scholarly purposes only and teach everybody tolerance and understanding. The motto of this site shall be Fight Fascism, Fight Numbness, Fight Absurdity!

 Red and Black
 Red and Black
Red and Black