An Information Network

About Republican Forum

Republican Forum is an online information resource for Republicans across America.

There are NO MEMBERSHIPS, NO FEES and NO SUBSCRIPTIONS. Republican Forum is a completely free web site.

Editorial review at the Republican Forum is open to Republicans who write from every perspective, be they: Conservative, Moderate, Libertarian, Liberal, et c. We encourage everyone to participate, enjoy and stay informed.

About Ari Adam Spett

  Ari Adam Spett is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Republican Forum.

While working in the field of Grass Roots Lobbying, Mr. Spett enlisted the support of community and business leaders in California, Nevada, Florida, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, West Virginia, Maryland, Alabama, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Kansas, Arizona, Missouri and other states, for a variety of legislative campaigns.

Mr. Spett earned a Master of Arts degree in the newly blossoming field of Political Management from The George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Manhattan College in New York City.

Ever involved in politics and Republican affairs, Mr. Spett launched a bid in 1998 to unseat entrenched Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY-17). Today, Mr. Spett still writes speeches and editorials in New York.