The Robert Fergusson Society exists in order to preserve
the memory of the poet Robert Fergusson (1750 - 1774), and
to render his work familiar to as many people as possible.

Every year we lay a wreath on the poet's grave (a simulacrum
of the stone erected by Robert Burns) and hold a dinner to
celebrate Fergusson's life and work.

In order to reach the widest group of interested people,
and possibly also to assist scholars, we have decided to open
this website and by degrees make available to all who use the
internet as many original printed texts, essays, biographies
etc. as possible. For example, copies of the first edition
of Fergusson's poems printed in 1773, the only edition published
during the poet's lifetime, are scarce; but one of our members
has one and is making it available. The same is true of Sommers'
Life of Fergusson, published in 1803, but another member has a
copy of that scarce work and it also will be added.

The costs to a Society with, as yet, few members, are only
borne with difficulty; and this new service is provided
free to users: we hope therefore that as many as can afford
our moderate annual membership fee, wherever they may reside,
will contact us by e-mail or snail-mail and take up membership.
The fee per annum runs from January 1, and is £10; for those
still in full time tuition, it is £5.

The Fergusson Society sends you its best wishes, and will
attempt to answer any questions you may sen
d us..

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