
These are a few things that I have written that I actually liked. I will also be getting some pictures I drew, too.


Fish Tale
Self Portrait
The Guitarist
The Frog


From the grass to the sky,
Birds fly high,
And leaves sore through the air
The water below with fish to show,
Has many things to share
The mountains with eyes have a disguise,
To hide all the mountain goats
The earth we have isn't bad,
It's just that we don't know...

Fish Tale

Fish scales in
the market,
sitting on the
behind the short
all by itself

Stolen from the
fish itself
eaten by a man
who thinks eating
scales will keep
his weight from
getting out of hand

The man, he says,
to me, the owner of
the store, "If you
stock up on fish
scales you will earn
a whole lot more."

I took his advice
and bought a whole crate,
I sold it all,
which was used
to detain weight

The advice he
gave was very
grand, now
my store is
a world-wide

Self Portrait

The natural world
has many sides
all around
with my life
trapped in the
Defending myself
from the danger
of trust and surrending to
capturing the
right one in
my hands

I paint the scenery
and watch the clock
It goes

Eating my
most favored
food is
always done

Can't wait 'til
that bell

Knowing my
family and friends
is always with me
I never feel lost
or beaten

Life isn't that
It's just
missing a few

Life is a Jungle
out there


Dare to discover many things
like mountains, valleys, and rivers
discover a place far and wide
with Eskimos and chopped liver

Dare to discover all around
horses, dogs, lizzards abound.
apple trees, kangaroos
with many things to do

Dare to to the impossible
like dive in a bucket
of ice, or eat hot coals
with unicorns that are
playing chess with mice

Or explore new caves
with giant gates
and burning lava

Discover things old
and new that are
filled with gold

The end is near
but far away,
time to go inside
and say,"I'll
discover more
things another

The Guitarist

The talented man
who strummed his guitar
strummed for money.

With pick in hand
and the fretboard in the other,
he plays.

After a hard day's work,
he comes home
and stretches his neck.
Scratching his knobby hair
and stomach of six,
he lays down,
and plays himself to sleep.

The Guitarist was written by my friend, Tim

The Frog

Once there was a frog named Frank. He was an ordinary looking frog, but he was magical.

One day, he was sitting on a floating log in a small lake eating flies. Ten minutes later Fred, his friend, sat down next to him and ate flies too. Then Frank heard a twinkling sound. All of the sudden Fred turned into a fly.

Frank thought Fred just left. Then he noticed that a fly was next to him and he ate him. Frank didn't chew the fly, he just swallowed it.

So, Fred was in Frank's stomach and Fred didn't know Frank was magical. Frank thought to himself that he should of told Fred that he was magical. Then Frank remembered Fred was wearing a blue hat and the fly was wearing the same het. Flies don't wear hats, so Frank knew it was Fred. But, Frank didn't mean to turn Fred into a fly, sometimes the magic just works itself.

Frank hopped very quickly to the town's wizard. When he got there he asked the secretary if he can see Fritz the wizard, but Fran the secratary said he was at lunch. Frank left an oppointment to see him the next day.

In Frank's stomach, Fred was getting very annoyed being stuck in there. He tried to fly out, but couldn't. Then, he tried to yell to Frank, but his voice was too soft.

While Frank was hopping home, he turned a maple tree into a bottle of maple syrup. He also turned five lily pads into a giant leaf and a lake into a rainstorm.

On his way home he stopped at the grocery store and bought some bug juice, fly jam, and a dozen fly eggs.

When Frank got home he hung up his coat and took off his boots. Then he put his groceries away and went to read "The Frog's Pad" (a newspaper).

At 6:00 P.M. Frank went inot the kitchen and was going to make a fly steak for dinner, but his magic turned the rawsteak into an already cooked steak with a bowl of fly soup.

After he ate his dinner, he watched T.V. He watched Frog Quest, Frog Trek, and he read Mr.Toad's Adventures. Then he went to bed.

At 8:00 in the morning Frank's alarm clock went off and he wokee up. Frank took a shower and put on a blue shirt, white pants, a blue and white striped hat, and blue shoes. He had scrambled fly eggs, toast with fly jam, and bug juice for breakfast. Frank put on his coat and went outside to get the newspaper. He put it inside and went to work.

Frank works at a Slinky factory. He tests the Slinkies to see if they work well or not. Frank's building is in the inside of a fake pile of logs. The logs are piled up, but on the inside it is hollow. Frank left work at 4:00 P.M.

Before he went home Frank had to go to a toystore to drop off a shipment of Slinkies. By that time it was 4:30 P.M. and Frank had to go to Fritz.

Frank hopped to a little hole and went in. He told Fran that he had an oppointment with Fritz. Fran said he woul dhave to wait ten minutes. Fank sat down in a chair and picked up a magazine called "Better Frog Homes." After twelve minutes Fran said he could go in.

Frank opened the door and hopped into a huge office. He hopped by lots of plants, a bar, and a pool table. Then he saw Fritz.

Fritz had on a purple shirt and shorts and a purple hat with a star on top. On his desk he had a glass ball and a pile of papers and bills. Behind him was a vast window that looked out into the forest. Next to him was a door that had the words "Storage/Test Lab."

Frank told Fritz his problem about Fred. Fritz went into the "Storage/Test Lab", room. Frank heard a cabinet open, then a sliding noise onto a table, a key opening a lock, a drawer opening, and then Fritz walked out of the room and brought out a box that he opened up and took out a pad with some writing on it. Fritz flipped through the pages and wrote something on a blank page, tore it off, and handed it to Frank. It said:

Frank thanked Fritz and left.

Before frank went home he stopped at the pharmacy and got the medicine. He also bought some boxes to bring to work the next day.

When he got home he took off his coat and put the light boxes away. Frank looked at the bottle of medicine. It looked like this:

At 6:04 P.M. Frank made flies and spagetti for dinner, and some more bug juice. Then he watched T.V. and read more of Mr.Toads Adventures.

At 10:02 P.M. Frank drank some of the Soda Fizz. Fritz said he was supposed to burp and Fred would be ther, but it didn't work.

So, Fred lived in Frank's stomach and Frank forgot about Fred and lived a normal life.

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