Ariel Wine & Beer Society 1999 Calendar

13th January
25rd January
10th February
10th March
14th April
23rd April
12th May
19th June
25th June
14th July
11th August
8th September
13th October
10th November
18th November
30th November
8th December
12th January
Burns Supper
Wine Drive
Beer Making & Tasting
English Wine Tasting
French Red Wine
Dessert Wines
Ale Trail
French White Varietals
New World Beers
Fruit based spirits
Wine for Spicy Food
Int. Wine Challenge
Beaujolais Day
St. Andrew's Day Tasting
Sparkling Wines
AGM/Millennium Wine Tasting
Want to see what we did
last year
The Ariel Wine & Beer Society  is here to enable our members and guests to enjoy themselves whilst sampling the delights of various wines and beers. The following list is a brief resume of our events. They normally take the form of friendly informal, but educational tastings normally hosted by our committee members. There is a fee of £6.00 p.a. for BBC Club members and additional fees to cover the cost of the evenings materials, around £5 to £8 depending on the tasting. Please contact the Honorary Secretary Roger Stocker or mail to Room 135 BBC Villiers House London W5 2PA. MS word logo Membership form available here.

Please sign our guestbook.

Click on the date or subject to see more information on the tasting. This page will be updated throughout the year to include details of past tastings and any changes or additional events.


13th January

An entertaining evening, as usual. Same officers and commitee as last year, which sees Dave Renwick as Chairman, Roger Stocker, secretary and Gul Lilarum as treasurer, the committ is:-Dave Renwick, Roger Stocker, Penny Harrison, Joe Willis, Gul Lilarum, John Winfield, Dave Charlton, Deepa Gulhane, Briony Kershaw, Andrew Latham and Ron Horspool

25th January

Unfortunately this has had to be cancelled. Anyone wishing to go to the Sailing Club Burns night in Teddington please contact us.

10th February

An evening of different cocktails, presented by Penny Harrison.top2.gif (209 bytes)

10th March

The annual wine drive steered by Jim Graham. All Pinot Noir wines. This is what we drank.

14th April

Beer tasting and making, by our resident expert Dave Charlton.

23rd April

St George's Day sees a wine tasting, all the wines have a link to Saint George. Here is what we had.

12th May

A vertical tasting of some French red wines. Tutored by Dave Renwick and John Winfield. Wines were Burgundies and Barolo.

19th June

An evening of Dessert wines. Held at Bush House by Deepa Gulhane and Dave Renwick

25th June

The annual Ale Trail, Departed from the Hole in the Wall, Mitre Court City of London, finished at Dirty Dicks near Liverpool Street. Won by Simeon Woodhouse. Organised by Dave Renwick and Roger Stocker

14th July

An evening of French white varietals by Roger Stocker at Western House.top2.gif (209 bytes)

11th August

Beers from the New World by Briony Kershaw. TBA

8th September

A tasting of Fruit based spirits by Marcus Misiukiewicz at Western House

13th October

Wines that go with spicy foods, presented by Jim Graham and Dave Renwick at Western House

10th November

Some of the winners of the annual International Wine Challenge will be tasted, lead by Andrew Latham and held at Television Centre.

18th November

Beaujolais day will see our annual tasting.

30th November

Various beverages will be tasted to help celebrate St Andrew's Day, presented by Dave Renwick at Woodlands.

8th December

Ron Horspool's annual Sparkling wine evening moved to a festive slot. A Western House presentation.

12th January 2000

This years AGM will be supplemented by a Millennium wine tasting to include wines from each year of the 1990's. A committee presentation at Western House.

Please sign our Guestbook and let us know your views.

Or you could always read what others have said by Viewing the Guestbook

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