Tonya (who was then Regional Coordinator) with me at the 2001 Heart Walk finish line
It's me at the start
line for the 2001
Heart Walk.
Two of the Titans Cheerleaders with me prior to the Heart Walk
Titan Cheerleaders on the stand in the center of the crowd warming up the participants.
Titan cheerleaders and Clarksville's
Montgomery Central High School
are at the starting line getting ready to
cut the rope & start the walk.
Heart Walk 10-28-2001
Heart Walk 2002
October 20, 2002 at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN

Unfortunately due to the unfortunate rainy weather attendance was down.  But thanks very much to those who did come
and walk to help others.
Above: Me and my Aunt Ruth Ann "Gertie"

Right: Me walking with Angela & Aunt Betty.

Thanks very much to my family for assisting me with my fundraising with over half of my total funds.  And also thanks for driving 2 hours to walk with me.
And the crowd gets moving!