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The Creator!
This is the page where you find out nearly everything you need to know about me!!

First thing you need to know is that you're not having any pics of me on this page!!!

OK, as everyone knows, my name is Rhian. I'm 16 and i live in sunny ol' Wales - yes, sarcasm was intended cos it's never sunny in Wales!

In my spare time, i love going out with my mates and having a laugh. I enjoy going to the cinema and going to town shopping! And, we can't forget, my Tribal obsession! lol! I hate being bored and staying indoors.

My fave band is Stereophonics. My fave songs by them are: Not Up To You, Traffic, Vega Two Times, Billy Davey's Daughter, Rooftop, and Lyin in the Sun. I do no tlike cheesy pop like that band......Scooch - remember them?! *argh*

My fave film is The Patriot with Heath Ledger - he is my fave big screen actor! My fave actress is Julia Roberts. At the moment, my fave TV show is Big Brother, and my fave housemate is Brian!!

So, my fave character in The Tribe guessed it - Lex! My fave female charcers ar eprobably Ebony and Tai - San. I think the best actor in The Tribe is Caleb, and the best actress is Antonia Prebble.

That's it for now,

Love me!

TAKE ME HOME!!!!!!!!!!