
What is Paganism?

Paganism means different things to different people. That is how it is when words travel through time and language. Webster's dictionary describes "pagan" as a noun meaning 1) One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew; a heathen. 2)One who has no religion. 3) A non-Christian. 4) A hedonist. The word is middle english and comes from late latin - paganus - meaning country dweller, civilian, or rural. The country dweller and rural part suggest people who lived outside the city, common folk, farmers. Civilian refers to those who were not apart of the christian "army" of crusaders.
To me Pagan refers to the pre-christian native people's spiritual customs and beliefs. Every country had these original people and some still do. They had Gods and Goddesses, rites of passages through life, celebrations that followed the sun and moon, and symbols sacred to them. Certainly these early tribes had customs, beliefs, and deities that differed from their neighbours; and over time these customs changed, merged, influenced each other. But a few qualities remain consistant: earth focused spirituality and monotheism. Native peoples living in africa, australia, and north america still follow ( to varying degrees ) the traditions and customs of their ancestors. While much of the world has been persuaded over to Christian beliefs.

What is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is not a religion in itself it is more like the study and use magick, be it folk magick or high magick. It is an old science/art and Im sure its roots closely related to Paganism. Witchcraft although associated with Wicca and other Pagan religions is independant. People from many different relgions, countries, and lifestyles use witchcraft. Some without even realising it - think of the last time you made a wish over your birthday cake and blew out the candles or think of the some of the common ceremonial practices of the Catholic church. Yes, it is possible to be a Wiccan witch and a Christian witch.

What is Wicca?

Wicca is a religion with a defined set of beliefs and practices. It is actually a reconized religion here in America. Although Wicca has its roots in some prechristian practices it is not synomonous with Witchcraft. Wicca is considered a Pagan tradition and through its creation it has revived interest in these Old Paths. Wicca was created in the 1930's by Gerald Gardner. It is a mix of Gardner's own interests and studies at the time, such as : various European holidays and customs, tools and rituals from ceremonial magick ( Golden Dawn, Hermetic, FreeMasonary), and his own interest in naturalism (nudity). There seem to be two types of Wicca - Traditional Wicca which encompasses Covens who can "generationally" link back to Gardner himself and Wicca traditions directly inspiried by Gardner like Alexanderian, Dianic, SeaxWica. And there is no end to the other Wiccan paths which may combine some of the original Gardner beliefs and those of their creater. There is a controversy surrounding the topic of who is indeed Wiccan. Traditionalists believe strongly that it is a purely initiating path meaning that a High Priest or Priestess in a Coven must initiate you. Others believe at this point Wicca is equal to modern witchcraft and is open to anyone who wishes to self dedicate.

Modern Paganism

So are we, who leave the Christian path that is so ingrained in our society and run with open arms to anything that resembles our ancesters ways.... Pagan? Well, I suppose we are. Neo-Pagan is the accurate term coined for someone practicing the beliefs of an early pagan culture but who is not actually of that culture.
But these are just labels.

I feel as a modern Pagan the door is wide open for me. There are many avenues I can take. When it comes to spirituality and religion some people like to dedicate themselves to one path and perfect it. They feel this leads to enlightenment. Others like to dabble and enrich their lives with as many different things as possible. They may try one path for a while then move onto something else. I think both of these ways are perfect for whomever chooses them. The important part is to chose whichever feels right to you. This is very important where spitituality is concerned. I always think the best place to start is with what you are drawn to. Have you always wanted to know more about your ancestor's beliefs? Have you always been attracted to a certain culture? Are you drawn towards a tool like tarot or astrology? Studying and practicing these art forms can give you great insight and open your intuition. There are many places to start and I suggest going slow, giving each its time and turn, keeping an open mind, and listening to your inner voice. For the modern Pagan there is a lot of information out there right now. New books and websites pop up everyday it seems. Most of these resources are Wicca based. Reading or studying Wicca is a fine place to start and get the basics. If you are incrediblly drawn to it specificly there is plently of resources. Just remember it is not the only path out there.

Please see my Pagan Links page for websites and resources.

Suggested readings - These are books I own or have borrowed from friends and can recommend. There are more and more books poping up everyday on Pagan subjects and many of them repeat the same basic information as the books listed below. Always remember that these authors writings are not the final word on the subject and there are many books filled with misinformation. Running out and buying every book on Wicca on will not make you a better Pagan. Also you may find many insights and valuable information in books that are not "pagan" at all, so keep an open mind.

Not a Pagan bookstore in your town? You can find these books and more at


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