Title: Adam's Song
Author: Elizabeth L. Iacono
Rating: PG
Category: Vignette, Angst
Keywords: Pre-XF
Spoilers: None
Summary: A rainy day in England.  Decision time 
            for Mulder.

As the title says, this is inspired by 'Adam's Song,' 
by Blink 182.  While I'm not a usual fan of the 
group, this song really caught my eye and the 
whole fic was inspired by it.  What turned my 
opinion of the song around (because I used to 
dislike it) was that I realized that it had a 
somewhat happy ending, which spawned on this fic.

Also, this fic is shipper and Noromo safe.  For 
some reason I think this fic would work better 
if M&S's relationship is ambiguous, so I'll 
leave it up to the reader to decide if they're 
just friends or more than that.  In other words
this fic is Ashley and Nif safe. ;-)

Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully are not mine.  
Adam's Song belongs to Blink 182

Feedback: I would love it.  RhiaRamsay@aol.com  
And if you want visit my Website:
(it's under construction at the moment though)

Archive: Anywhere and everywhere, Gossamer, Spookys, 
and Xemplary especially.

Started and finished August 3, 2000.

Adam's Song
Elizabeth L. Iacono

'I never thought I'd die alone 
I laughed the loudest, who'd have known? 
I traced the cord back to the wall 
No wonder it was never plugged in at all 
I took my time, I hurried up 
The choice was mine, I didn't think enough 
I'm too depressed to go on 
You'll be sorry when I'm gone 
I never conquered, rarely came 
16 just held such better days 
Days when I still felt alive 
We couldn't wait to get outside 
The world was wide, too late to try 
The tour was over, we'd survived 
I couldn't wait 'til I got home 
To pass the time in my room alone 
I never thought I'd die alone 
Another six months, I'll be unknown 
Give all my things to all my friends 
You'll never step foot in my room again 
You'll close it off, board it up 
Remember the time that I spilled the cup 
Of apple juice in the hall 
Please tell mom this is not her fault 
I never conquered, rarely came 
16 just held such better days 
Days when I still felt alive 
We couldn't wait to get outside'

                 Adam's Song
                 Blink 182

Oxford University
Very Early Morning

     Winter in England was very cold, and very 
long, Fox Mulder mused as he stared out the window 
in his small dorm room.  The sky was overcast in 
what little pre-dawn light there was, the clouds 
hanging low with what could be either rain or 
snow.  It looked like one of many winter days 
since he had arrived at Oxford.  But then, England 
wasn't known for spectacular weather.  Come to 
think of it though, he didn't care anymore.

     He didn't seem to care about anything 
anymore, that was the problem.  Though he was 
doing well at Oxford, making top marks in his 
courses, even earning a spot on the university's 
soccer team, he didn't care about any of it.  
It was all just going through the motions now.

     Mulder thought he would begin to care more 
about things, now that he was overseas and far 
away from his family.  But it didn't happen.  
He just became more and more apathetic until 
he was left wondering what was the point of 
getting up anymore.  He wanted to see things 
in color again.

     Before Samantha was gone, things were bright 
and full of color.  The sea surrounding the 
Vineyard was a blue-green color, the little 
flowers in the windowbox bursted with little 
pink and purple blooms.  His mother's favorite 
dress was a deep red, the same shade as a good 
wine.  And Samantha's hair glowed dark brown, 
like the glossy coffee table she liked to dance 

     But after that night when Samantha had 
disappeared from his life, things began to 
fade.  In his eyes, the sea became muddier, 
the flowers wilted, the dress was moved to the 
back of the closet.  They kept fading and fading 
until the only colors he could really see anymore 
were shades of grey.  Dull, lifeless variations 
of grey that he felt matched his dull, lifeless 

     He wanted to see those colors again, wanted 
to feel alive.  But he couldn't figure out how 
to get them back, to recapture the colors and the 
liveliness that he so desired.  That was what had 
led him to today, the early morning of yet another 
cold winter day.

     Mulder looked over at the razor blade lying 
on his desk.  It wasn't one of the cheap disposable 
blades, but a real one, taken from a barber shop 
somewhere.  The long metal blade glinted as the 
clouds moved outside and sent grey patches of 
dim light against it.  This one blade, this piece 
of sharpened metal, seemed to hold his fate, he 

     He picked it up by the handle and tested 
its weight.  In reality it wasn't very heavy, 
but to him it felt like a block of lead sitting 
in his hand.  He vaguely wondered if it would 
hurt as the blade sliced through skin and vein, 
splitting open the vessel that contained the 
liquid that kept his body running and spilling 
blood that was once red but now grey in his 
eyes over the green comforter.  He shook his 
head to clear it of its wandering thoughts.

     He hadn't bothered to leave a note, the 
blood pouring from his wrists would be clear 
evidence to the cause of his death.  And his 
family members would certainly know why he did 
it.  They were the ones who blamed him for 
Samantha's disappearance.  They would probably 
be grateful that the bane he placed on their 
lives would be gone.

     Still carrying the blade, he moved over to 
the small bed and sat down on it, propping himself 
up against the wall.  Mulder looked down at the 
razor, and at his left wrist, facing up towards 
the paint-cracked ceiling.  Now was the time, 
there was no turning back anymore.  There was 
no reason to.

     Mulder adjusted his grip on the blade and 
touched the cool metal to his even cooler skin.  
He sucked in a breath, not really knowing why, 
and pressed the blade down.  Only the tip actually 
dug into his skin and made a minute split in the 
flesh, but that little cut was all it took.  He 
stared at the small slice with the drop of blood 
welling out of it, and he saw something he hadn't 
seen for a long time.

     The drop was red.

     Not the dull grey color everything else had 
taken on, but a vibrant, alive red, standing out 
sharply against his pale skin, a result of 
self-imposed exile from the sun.  It almost 
had a certain glow to it, shiny and slick, 
slowly trickling down his arm.

     And at that moment, Mulder realized he 
couldn't do it.  That one glowing drop of red 
blood was like a message being driven into his 
brain, saying that even though on the outside 
things seemed grey and lifeless, inside things 
were still in color, they were still alive.  He 
still had a chance to make things better.

He placed the razor down on his night table, 
resisting the urge to throw it out the window like 
he really wanted to.  He pushed himself off the bed 
and went over to his desk, rummaging around until 
he found a roll of gauze and some medical tape.  
Mulder wrapped the gauze around his bleeding wrist 
and held it tight with the tape, stopping the flow 
relatively quickly.

     Then, he pulled a sheet of loose-leaf paper 
out from the pile on his desk.  While he had 
staved off the inevitable for now, he couldn't 
say what he would do in the future.  So he wrote 
himself a note, recording what he had almost 
done, and making himself a promise.  He gave 
himself twenty years.  If things had gotten 
better, or rather than saying better, saying his 
life had acquired a purpose, then things would 
be fine.  If not though...then he didn't see the 
point of living past that moment.

     Mulder folded the note up and placed it on 
top of his desk, to serve as a reminder.  Things 
might not be good, but he couldn't take the 
chicken shit way out and just end it.  It would 
take a hell of a lot more courage to stay alive, 
in his opinion.  And he felt he owed it to himself 
to try.

     He stared out the window, seeing another rare 
sight.  The sunrise, feeling that today it didn't 
want to be deterred by grey clouds, was poking its 
way over the tops the old Oxford buildings, 
suffusing the sky with red-gold light and burning 
itself into Mulder's memory.

     For the first time in a long time, the colors 
were coming back.


'The world was wide, too late to try 
The tour was over, we'd survived 
I couldn't wait 'til I got home 
To pass the time in my room alone 
I never conquered, rarely came 
Tomorrow holds such better days 
Days when I can still feel alive 
When I can't wait to get outside 
The world is wide, the time goes by 
The tour is over, I've survived 
I can't wait 'til I get home 
To pass the time in my room alone'

                    Adam's Song
                    Blink 182

     The years went by and the note had slipped 
into the background, eventually being forgotten 
amidst all the other things in Mulder's life.  
Events occurred that made him look at things in 
different ways.  People passed in and out of his 
life, some only remaining there for a brief time, 
and some, like one Dana Scully, setting down roots 
into his life and not letting go.  The note ended 
up being buried somewhere, under a pile of old 
things that hadn't been touched in years.

     Until another grey, rainy day when by some 
strange twist of fate Mulder felt he had to clean 
out some of the old boxes cluttering up his 
bedroom.  Scully was there helping him too, 
out of either the goodness of her heart or 
because of his pitiful whining the day before, 
saying that he didn't want to go through the 
mess alone.  But she came, and they actually 
had a little fun while they did it.

     They had laughed over some old photographs 
of his childhood years, and cringed at the old 
gym socks at the bottom of one box.  The day 
became less about cleaning and more about getting 
to know one another.  Mulder had his head buried 
deep in a different box when he heard Scully's 
voice from across the room.  "What about this, 

     "What is it?" he called back.

     "It looks like a note.  It's got a date on 
the front of it, February 27, 1980."  Mulder 
froze, recognizing the date and what exactly 
was contained in said note.  He hear the rustle 
of paper, strangely amplified by the box around 
his head, and then a couple of seconds later, 
Scully's sharp intake of breath.  He sat back 
on the floor, staring at nothing in particular 
with his fingers fiddling with the frayed edge 
of the cardboard box.

     A few short minutes that could have passed 
for a lifetime later he heard a shuffling sound 
behind him and felt Scully's hand on his upper 
back.  "It must have been a really hard time for 
you," she said softly.

     "Oh, yeah," Mulder sighed, unconsciously 
leaning back into her hand.

     "Did you ever find that purpose?" she 
asked even softer.

     Mulder turned around to look her in her 
eyes, which were looking back at him 
sympathetically, sadly, curiously, and with 
plenty of other things he couldn't define.  
"I think I did," he whispered, his head slightly 
nodding.  "Yeah, I did."

     Scully didn't say anything, just reached 
out to take his hand in hers.  She intertwined 
their fingers and squeezed tightly, knowing 
that words wouldn't convey what they were 

     And just like it had twenty years ago, 
the sun broke through the clouds once more, 
bringing splashes of color to a grey world.


Feel free to make your own assumptions as to 
what Mulder's purpose is.  I know what I believe. :-)
I also know that I've played around with this 
idea before, but this is a much more serious 
and realistic attempt than my last one, so I 
hope that no one minds it.


'True love, it's the greatest
thing in the world.'

Miracle Max
The Princess Bride


'Men will fight bravely and be 
heroes, but for a last ditch defense
against any odds, get a mother.'

The Defender
High Wizardry


'This is the Fish Patrol in 201.  Our
flying fish has flown away.  In fact,
things are so rotten around here that
even the pigs won't stay!  But we'll
fight to the bitter end!  Beware The

Bruno Walton
Beware The Fish


    Source: geocities.com/rhiaramsay