I found these words to be immediate for 2004, something that we need to review and pray over as this
is the first day of 2004. Patricia King stated it best: "Distraction from pure and intimate devotion
with the Lord is very dangerous for all believers. Stay focused and press into the Lord in 2004". What the Lord
has shown me is that there is no time like the present.

In 2003, the Lord had me focus on: trusting Him, true intimacy, worship, no compromise, resting in Him,
revelation of the Bride, the Song of Solomon, the Book of Esther, activation of my prophetic gifting,
believing when I had no reason to believe, dying to self, surrender, and, as a dead person in Christ,
loss of all rights, and deliverance. It was a great year!


2004 is going to be even moreso. There's this place I go to fellowship - they do this thing every
Tuesday night called "The Meeting Place". For two hours people from about 20 different churches (not
all the people but the hungry ones) come together and we praise and worship Him. Last night (12-31-03)
they had a 24 hour prayer night from New Year's Eve until 6pm today. I went last night and the Lord
spoke many things to me (some things were confirmation of things He'd told me earlier in 2003, other things
new): that 9-11 was nothing compared to what is coming; I've had numerous visions of nuclear/bombing
attacks here in Indiana - the Lord hasn't confirmed whether that was for our area or if that is what is to
come for our nation - but there was much devastation, explosions, etc. I saw two visions while traveling
on Indiana highways and had one prophetic dream of the same; last August of 2002 while traveling
with a friend through Chicago my son and I both saw a vision of an attack on the skyline of Chicago -
a la the movie Armageddon where the asteroid-like projectiles came and wiped out the city; last night
the Lord showed me Elijah; Esther; Job; the mantle of humility; health; triumph from your suffering;
diligence, perserverance; no compromise; steadfastness; boldness; surrender; Abraham's plea for
Sodom in Genesis 18:20: "Wilt thou not spare the place for the righteous that are therein?"; awaiting
on miracles: Genesis 18:14 & Sarah, "Is any thing too hard for the LORD?"; He said that 'love one
another and see past each other's differences' are NOT JUST WORDS but DIRECTIVES - to be
engraved upon our very hearts; grace like rain; freedom; He showed me Revelation 21 and the 7 new
things (heaven, earth, Jerusalem, people, temple, light, paradise); He said, "Behold the
tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and
God himself shall be with them, and be their God; also from Revelation 21:4 He said, "And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away"; Colossians 1:19:
"For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell"; He said, "The time is now to proclaim
liberty, to take back all that the enemy has stolen from My People"; He spoke "Holy"; He showed me a
vision of a clock, and the big hand was on midnight and the little hand a few minutes til 12 and
said, "You are chosen for this hour - to be among the end time generation - do not waste a
moment for every moment is precious...what's a little time spent?" saith God
. He said,
"Being a prisoner of My love is your only freedom". And He showed me another vision of me
and Him and it was personal. And this was BEFORE midnight. AFTER midnight, He asked me to pray
that His love would capture many; and it was more personal, about intimacy. I believe the song for the
hour is titled, "Grace Like Rain". It goes:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found Was blind but now I see

Hallelujah grace like rain falls down on me and
Hallelujah all my stains are washed away, they're washed away
Hallelujah grace like rain falls down on me and
Hallelujah all my stains are washed away, washed away.

Obviously it's "Amazing Grace" but more of a rock beat and very anointed. Grace is the Word for this hour.

Grace and His Mercy.

"Prophetic Directives
For 2004" by
Patricia King
"A Year of Secrets,
and Surprises
by Chuck Pierce
"Agree To
Healthy 2004"
by Bill Yount
"The Power
Is Coming"
by Rick Joyner
"The Sword of
The Lord"
by Jill Austin
"2004 - The Year
of Fullness"
by Kenneth Copeland
"Testing In This
Season of
Divine Promotion"
by John Paul Jackson
"Five Mandates
From The
Holy Spirit
for 2004"
by Todd Bentley

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