Press Releases

Country-Abend mit Rhonda Watson

Kofferen (jago). Die Ankündigung des „Country-Abend mit Rhonda Watson“ hatte am Freitag (16.02.2001) für einen Riesenpublikumsandrang in Kofferen gesorgt und so war das McMüllers Irish-American Pub bis auf den letzten Platz besetzt.
Auf Einladung von Pub-Besitzer Walter Müller war Rhonda Watson zum ersten Mal nach Europa gekommen, um sich auf der Country Musik Messe vor einer Woche in Berlin vorzustellen. Die Veranstalter waren von der Sängerin aus Pennsylvania so begeistert, dass sie gleich zweimal auftreten konnte. Die Westernfans in Kofferen durften sich also auf einen musikalischen Leckerbissen freuen, und sie wurden nicht enttäuscht.
Schon beim ersten Song „Wide open spaces“ waren sich die Zuhörer einig, einen kommenden Star am Countrymusik-Himmel live erleben zu können. Vom gefühlsbetonten „The woman in me“ über den unbeschwerten Titel „Happy girl“ bis zum kraftvoll interpretierten „You’re no good“ bewies Rhonda Watson ein faszinierendes Einfühlungsvermögen in die jeweilige Aussage des Lieds. Dass sie sich nicht nur auf lupenreinen Country-Stil spezialisierte, sondern auch andere Richtungen wie Rock, Rockabilly und sogar Gospel im Repertoire hat, machte das Konzert um so spannender.
Das Publikum ließ sich von Musik und Interpretin ganz gefangen nehmen und gab seiner Begeisterung durch aktive Teilnahme mit Line-Dances und viel Beifall Ausdruck. So manchem lief eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken, als beim Traditional „Take me home, country road“ nahezu das gesamte Publikum den Refrain mitsang.
Als kleine Überraschung gab es im Zugabenteil ein Duett mit dem Blues-Gitarristen „Professor Bottleneck“, bei dem eine aussergewöhnliche Country-Blues-Version von „Amazing grace“ zu hören war. Walter Müller ist es gelungen, mit Rhonda Watson eine äußerst symphatische junge Sängerin zu präsentieren, die frei von jeglichen Starallüren auftrat und sich durch ihre offene Herzlichkeit viele Freunde gemacht hat.

© Günter Jagodzinska (03/2001)

Beaver County Times Article

A Few Radio Play Lists:

The Roadhouse-2001
The Roadhouse-July,2001
New Zealand TLC Radio Station-Jan 2005

English translation of above article
Jülicher Nachrichten - Monday, February 19, 2001

Caption under photo: Not only the audience, but also country singer Rhonda Watson enjoyed the fantastic atmosphere during her guest performance in “McMüller's in Kofferen.

Rhonda Watson thrilled public in Müller Pub: Genuine Discovery for fans of Country Music

Kofferen (jago) The announcement of a country evening with Rhonda Watson ensured a full house in Kofferen so that the Irish-American Pub was occupied to the last seat.

At the invitation of pub-owner Walter Mueller, Rhonda Watson had come to Europe for the first time in order to present herself at the Country Music Fair in Berlin a week ago. The fair organizers were so impressed by the singer that she was immediately given a second performance there. So western fans could expect a musical delicacy in Kofferen, and they weren't disappointed.


Already at the first song “Wide Open Spaces", listeners were in agreement that they were experiencing a rising star on the country skyline.
From the deep-feeling “The Woman in Me" to the light title “Happy Girl" to the powerfully interpreted “You're no good", Rhonda Watson proved a fascinating sensitivity in the interpretation of the message in each song. That she hadn't specialized on pure country, but included elements of rock, rockabilly and even gospel in her repertoire made the concert all the more exciting.


The audience allowed itself to be completely captured by the artist and showed their enthusiasm by active participation in line dances and lots of applause. Some of the audience had goose-pimples running over their back as nearly everyone sang along the refrain to the traditional “Take me home country roads".

As a little surprise during the encore there was a duet with the blues-guitarist “Professor Bottleneck" with an unusual country-blues version of “Amazing grace".
With Rhonda Watson, Walter Mueller has succeeded in presenting a highly sympathetic young singer who performed unpretentiously and won many friends through her open-heartedness.

Randy Krbecheck

Rhonda Watson, Rhonda Watson (Jeree Records) - Youthful Rhonda Watson has released her self-titled debut. With country influences and a pleasing voice, Rhonda Watson is an enjoyable listen.
The album has ten songs, and clocks in at a refreshing 30 minutes. Rhonda wrote the songs and provides all vocals, and is joined by Donna Groom on keyboards and strings, Mark Groom on drums, Don Garvin on keyboards, bass, guitars and synthesizer, and John Parrendo on fiddle.
While some songs (such as "My Old Man") are a bit sappy, other songs have a pleasant, country-oriented sound, such as "So Many Things" and "Be Your Own Best Friend."
Not too heavy, not too light, Rhonda Watson has a smooth delivery.

Randy Krbechek © 2000

Dannick's Music Store

With her self-titled CD, Rhonda Watson has compiled 10 songs that perfectly display her appeal, namely strong lyrics combined with a soft, exquisite delivery. Her warmth and heart are on exhibit in each and every track.
Why we chose this Group: This is the age of women in Country Music. With all due respect to the great ladies of Country Music past (Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette), The previous 10 years have given us mega-talented women who have taken Country by the hand and guided it into the 21st century. A quick glimpse at the top-50 Billboard charts for Country singles in the year 2000 reveal such names as The Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, Patty Loveless and a number of others.
But make no mistake about it: the reason that these ladies are at the top of their profession has nothing to do with gender. They are simply the best at what they do. This is also true of Rhonda Watson.
The absolute truth that cannot be denied is that Rhonda Watson is not a great female Country/Western artist. She is a great Country/Western artist who happens to be a woman. To classify her, along with the great performers mentioned above, as a female Country/Western singer/songwriter is not justice. Ms. Watson is a top-level performer, period, and gender be damned.
Ms. Watson's 10-song self-titled CD is a showcase for her talent, which includes strong lyrical songwriting and a tender approach to putting those words to music. Broken Wing is an affectionate ballad, delivered with heart and warmth. Be Your Own Best Friend is perfectly Country, an uplifting song for those who feel they have no recourse. This song is inspirational as well as entertaining, a trait shared with most of the other songs on this inspired CD.
There is not a single track wasted on this collection. Each song acts as a window into the soul of Rhonda Watson. She is a wonderful performer, great songwriter and extremely talented individual...who happens to be a woman.

Total Country Magazine

"Be Your Own Best Friend is the best song that has been written in years. Rhonda's self-titled CD is destined to be a hit" - Total Country Magazine

Producer Mickey Dean:

Mickey has described Rhonda Watson as his favourite singer, who sounds just like Patsy Cline and Linda Rondstadt and one of the best session singers he has worked with. Her extensive stage work and experience shows in her ease with the mic and harmonies. She has collaborated with many artists, including Mickey, and is a hot favourite with all who have worked with her. She is a very versatile performer who can do country, pop and rock with ease. Mickey produced her “Cracks & Shadows” CD that shot right out of the starting gate the minute it was placed on “Must Be Love” is so cool it’s hot! Mickey Dean

Excerpt from the book, "Keys To Music Success"

"Some say you need a ton of money to hire a promoter. Why not self promote? ....I've seen Rhonda Watson playing the message boards and getting crowds to listen to her music. People like it and what happens is her fan base continues to grow, in return CD sales and offers to get her songs in projects."

Country Meeting Point

Rhonda Watson startete in Bad Homburg-Gonzenheim ihre Deutschland-Tournee Rein zufällig lasen wir am Freitag in der Frankfurter Rundschau einen Artikel aus unserer Region:
"Gonzenheimern macht der Gunzoplatz Spaß" Der Verein "Bürger für Gonzenheim" lud für Sonntag, den 12. August 2001, zum Dorfspaß auf den Gunzoplatz ein. Unter dem Motto: "Wir feiern die Neugestaltung des Gunzoplatzes" hatte man die Solisten-Band mit Mike Melcher für gute Party-Stimmung verpflichtet sowie - und hier die große Überraschung - die Country-Sängerin Rhonda Watson aus Pittsburgh, USA.
Dies wollten wir uns nicht entgehen lassen, sind doch Auftritte amerikanischer Country-Sänger/-innen in Deutschland eher selten. Also schwangen wir uns auf's Motorrad und fuhren nach Gonzenheim. Natürlich war es kein Country-Fest, das uns hier erwartete, aber alle hatten ihren Spaß bei Würstchen und Steaks, Bier aus der Region, spanischem Wein und diversen kulinarischen Spezialitäten. Anlaß der Veranstaltung war eher ein politisches Thema, was uns aber nicht störte. So hatte sich auch der eine oder andere Redner zu Wort gemeldet u.a. auch unser Bürgermeister. Na ja, kurze Rede langer Sinn - um 15.30 Uhr kam dann wirklich der versprochene Country-Event. Ohne langen Soundcheck ging es auch gleich los. Rhonda gab zu, etwas Lampenfieber zu haben, dies sollte sich aber nach dem ersten Lied schon ändern. 45 Minuten Country-Music aus Amerika - etwas improvisiert - und doch prima gelungen. Leider trat Rhonda ohne Band auf - ihr "Soundman" sorgte für den musikalischen Backround - doch die sympathische Sängerin kam bei den ca. 180-200 Gästen sehr gut an. Nach Aussage von Rhonda's Manager wird sie in den nächsten zwei Monaten viel in Deutschland unterwegs sein, u.a. hat sie div. Auftritte in Pullman City und ist am 08.09.01 mit der Helt Oncale Band in Schloß-Holte zu sehen. Nach einer Einlage der Solisten-Band mit Mike Melcher hatte Rhonda nochmals die Gelegenheit, ihr Können zu zeigen.
Eine Country-Sängerin aus den USA war in Bad Homburg und kein Country-Fan hat es gemerkt!
Schade eigentlich - doch vielleicht habt Ihr ja Gelegenheit, Rhonda während ihrer Deutschland-Tournee zu erleben.
Rhonda veröffentlichte ihr erstes Lied im Alter von 14. Sie schreibt ihre Texte und Musik selbst, sie singt mit Ihrer gefühlvollen, rauchigen Stimme so richtig vom Herzen. Im August und September 2001 wird sie von McMüller's Nashville Connection für ihre erste Europa-Tour gesponsert.
Jutta + Herbert
Country Meeting Point

English translation:

Rhonda Watson started her Germany tour in Bad Homburg Gonzenheim, we found out coincidentally, when we read on Friday in the Frankfurt round rundschau an article from our region: "Gonzenheimern makes the Gunzoplatz fun" the association "citizen for Gonzenheim" invited for Sunday, 12 August 2001, the village passport on the Gunzoplatz. Under the slogan: "we celebrate the reorganization of the Gunzoplatzes" featuring Mike Melcher with his band, for a good party. That interested us but then - here was the big surprise - the Country singer Rhonda Watson from Pittsburgh,USA would also be appearing.

We didn't want to take the trip but appearances of American Country singers inside Germany are rather rare so we mounted our motorcycle and drove to Gonzenheim.

It wasn't your average Country celebration that we expected but, more, as all had their fun with small sausages and steak, beer from the region, Spanish wine and various culinary specialities.

The meeting was one of a rather political topic, which didn't disturb us however. There were special speaking guests and also, our Mayor himself spoke.

After all of the speaches were over - at 15.30 o'clock, the promised even finally came! Without a sound check it went off loosely. Rhonda admitted to having a cold accompanied by a fever but it wasn't noticeable. 45 minutes of Country Music out of America - something improvised - and nevertheless successfully great!

Unfortunately without a proper soundcheck, Rhonda's music was low during the first song - then the Soundman made the adjustments and the pleasant singer kept the 180-200 guests that were there very happy.

According to her manager Rhonda will be touring Europe for the next two months, much of it in Germany, with appearances in Pullman City and on 08.09.01 in Schloß-Holte with the Helt Oncale Band.

After the band, featuring Mike Melcher performed, Rhonda once again had the opportunity to show her abilities. A wonderful Country singer from the USA was in Bath Homburg and hardly any Country fan noticed!

Much to their loss - nevertheless- perhaps they will have the opportunity to experience Rhonda during her upcoming Germany tour.

Rhonda published her first song at the age of 14. She writes both her music and lyrics. She sings so perfect with a sensitive, pure voice from the heart. For her first European tour, August through September 2001, Rhonda is being sponsored by McMueller's Nashville Connection and Guiness.

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