* "Farm Queues" that let you "stack up" a bunch of farms at the mill, and then your farmers automatically replant a farm when it expires, so you don't have to do it yourself. You can queue up to 15 farms.

* You can buy, sell, or tribute resources in lots of 500, or all at once.

* Relics generate gold faster, even without the Aztec team bonus.

* "Smart Villagers": if the villagers make a lumber camp, mill, etc. they will go right into their jobs. (i.e. the vills make a lumber camp then the vills turn into lumberjacks and start cutting wood).
If villagers build a TC they will go for the nearest resource. If resources are equidistant, they will go for gold first, followed by stone, food and wood. They will not attack boars without command.
When you send a group of villagers to a single Farm, the villagers automatically spread themselves among any untended Farms nearby.
Also if you place a wall-line and instruct two or more vills to construct it one will go to one end and the other to the other end and work their way to the center.

* Fishing boats now go after offshore fish in preference to shore fish.
