Civ Bonuses: Team Bonus Unique Unit: Unique Tech: Tech Tree: The Mayans do not get the following:
Mayans are an economic power-house. Their longer lasting resources will make a dramatic impact on their economy. Its as if their boars have 375 food, and their sheep 125. It is the most useful in the early stages of the game for getting deer, sheep and boars, but it still helps a lot later on, mostly for gold and stone mines. This combined with their extra villager to start with will help them achieve record castle times.

The Mayan player will have to rely heavily upon his foot archers. Although not as powerful as some of the other civs, they are much more plentiful. Mayans will excel at the feudal age archer rush. In castle age they will remain strong because of their UU, eagle warriors and fast castle times.

Their lack of cavalry hurts them but some of their bonuses help to make up for this. Their UU helps to offset their lack of horse archers because of its very high hit points.

The eagle warrior is a critical unit for the Mayans. Because they lack cavalry units they rely heavily on it for its speed. It is great for taking out enemy siege weapons and archers because of its high speed and piercing armor. In imperial age the Eagle Warrior becomes one of the Mayans key offensive units. After the UT is researched they have a whopping 100 hit points. It combines the high hit points, piercing armor and speed of cavalry with the ability of infantry to withstand counter units.

Another key unit for the Mayans is its fully upgraded Halbardier. Since foot archers are very vulnerable to heavy cavalry, the halbardier makes an excellent support unit.

Mayans have mediocre siege and monks.

The main advantages of the Mayans are their strong economy, excellent foot archers, and powerful eagle warrior.

The main weaknesses of the Mayans are their lack of any mounted units, vulnerability to enemy gunpowder units, and lack of gunpowder units of their own.