I Have a Dream. . .

This is my version of Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech. . .Enjoy!

I have a dream that one day all chauvinistic men will learn that a female can do anything a male can do, perhaps even a little better. Females were not made to stay home to wash clothes and take care of children. Now females have a voice to be heard and not a voice to be silent. We aren’t as weak as you think we are; we are as strong as you. I have a dream that we as females will not have to continue to prove ourselves and prove to all men that we are not and will never be your maids again.

I have a dream that one day a straight person will not think that every homosexual man or woman is making a pass at them. I have a dream that no one will look in disgust at a homosexual couple showing their affection towards each other. This dream says that homosexuals will be accepted into a religious environment without being looked down upon and shunned.

I have a dream that one day teenagers will be able to go in a department store without being watched and stared at, as if they are about to steal something. I have a dream that teens will not be judged by a stereotype; not all teens are troublesome. One mischievous teenager doesn’t make all teens juvenile delinquents. I have a dream that one day an adolescent will be able to speak freely and get their opinions heard without it going in one ear and out through the other. One-day adults will conceive the fact that adolescents are people just like they are and deserve to be heard.

I have a dream that one-day young women will realize being skinny and extra thin is not always best. I have a dream that they will realize that vomiting and starvation is a danger to your health and liable to cause death. Realize that being a twig, or worse, a skeleton, is not the best and not a healthy way to live. One day young women will know deep down that they are beautiful inside and out.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one-day blacks, whites, Hispanics, and other creeds will be able to live with each other in peace and tranquility. One day learn we are all from the same race, the human race. We will be able to see ourselves as a person who is colorblind and will only see a person for who they are and not their skin color. This dream is a dream that gets rid of stereotyping and labeling. I have a dream that we will realize not all African-Americans are from the ghetto or drug dealers. Caucasians aren’t all from trailer parks or from the south. Latinos aren’t all gang affiliated or prisoners, and some on. We, as a whole, need to due away with all of this prejudging. This is the 21st century and all that needs to stop.

I have a dream that one day we won’t have to worry about anyone holding up a sign stating: “Will work for food” or just plain “Please help”. This dream provides jobs and housing for all the less fortunate. If not that, be caring enough to help our fellow brothers and sisters with food, clothing, and a few donations to organizations to help the homeless.

I have a dream that one day this world will not let every issue get to them. We will stop the hatred and wars. We will comprehend the fact that violence only causes a bigger problem for all and a bigger body count. Innocent children being tragically deprived of their mothers and fathers of what I think to be ridiculous carnage. This part of my dream includes, teen killing other teens over colors. That’s just what they are colors. Colored rags come a dime a dozen, but a does your life.

This dream will not be a reality until we find some way to live under one sky, one roof, and one shelter. We have to be united as one, one voice, one heart, and one love. In order to be completely free we must work hard and work together.

This is my dream today.

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