august 23 2002
i hate growing up
i want to let you guys know that i found the math exam really easy.=) but that's what i'm worried about. i keep saying that it was easy then i'll find out later that i failed. ahem.

we went out today.=) it was the first time that we were complete. (well, except for gemma and lilane.) sayang. walang picture eh. first time pa naman andon si rossanna. it was fun kanina. except that they spent a great deal of time in beauty bar and my feet hurts with the kind of shoes i was wearing. it was worst than wearing platform sandals on an erap rally.

after that i went to mega for practice. (so what else is new?) sir rex is still a little pissed at me for not showing last sunday. hello?! he told me not to, diba? he was giving me the cold shoulder. like i really care. and then after the session he talked to both muriel and i about karate stuff. the usual, we need to learn to listen blah blah blah. he brought up the sir vincent thing again. he said: "dun ka unanang bumagsak eh. yung kay enteng. dapat sinabi mo lang.." i know that he's just looking out for me and muriel pero sometimes he's just too much. and may mga things na hindi nya dapat pakealaman. he's not our father. pero i do owe a lot to him. maybe i should cut him some slack. pero, still..

on a lighter note, i bought the cutest polo today!!! its plaid and pink from maui and sons.=) lalang. share.

damnit. my mom's bothering me to go to sleep.

spaced out at 11.06pm