1995 The INESC issue of Ciclista and Galinhas


In the 1995 a new machine was introduced in Portugal . It was a INESC APM 200 that was the first ATM machine build in Portugal by INESC - Instituto Nacional de Sistemas e Engenharia de Computadores ( National Institute of Engineering and Computer Systems ) . The machine as appear for the first time ( only for tests ) in a technology Exibithion in Lisboa and during a very short period of time , it has able to issue the ATMīs of Ciclista and Galinhas ( that were also in use in the Crouzet machines ) but with a diferent printing . These are probably the rarest ATMīs of Portugal since they were only avaiable from the machine during the time period from 27 th January to 14 th February ( for the Ciclista ATMīs ) and from 15 th February to 28 th April ( for the Galinhas ATMīs without optical points ) . These ATMīs are very rare and they are not mentioned in the latest versions of the portuguese stamp catalogues . During the period of time that the machine has worked it was also possible to make some F.D.Cīs because two diferent cachets ( for each one of the two ATMīs ) where created with the dates of 27/1/95 ( for the Ciclista ATM ) and 15/2/95 ( for the Galinhas ATM without optical points ) .

It was also possible to obtain a receipt printed in a normal white paper .

There are also informations that this machine was used in Spain during a short period of time in 1994 . From the 12 th January to the 11 th February of that year it was located in the post office 53 in Madrid suplying the Xacobeo 93 spanish ATMīs .

Note that these INESC issue of Ciclista and Galinhas was only a demostrative issue , so it should not be considerated as a real issued ATM .


The INESC APM 200 machine ( COPYRIGHT 1999 ATM Seitz AG )


The INESC Galinhas ATM

The INESC Ciclista Correio Azul ATM


The INESC Galinhas first day cachet


The INESC Galinhas F.D.C.



This machine also had the possibility of sell telephone cards . It was only used again for the ATM issues of Passarinho in 1996 and Portugal 98 in 1997 .

Like in the other ATM issues it was possible to obtain some errors and varieties like double printings , missing numbers , with the ANULADO ( annulled ) printing and many others .


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Ricardo Lapa