The AMIEL , SMD and Newvision E-Post issue of the Euro - a new currency


In the 1 st March 2002 , a new ATM was issued to be used in the Crouzet , AMIEL , SMD and Newvision E-Post machines , replacing the older Birds of Portugal , Dinossaurios and Museu das Comunicações issues .


The standart values for this new issue were  :  0,27 / 0,45 / 0,46 / 0,54 / 0,70 Euro and the Correio Azul values of 0,43 ( national ) and 1,75 ( international ) Euro for the AMIEL , SMD and Newvision E-Post machines .

These ATM´s were design by Acácio Santos and printed by Ovelar .

Like it was mentioned before , this new Euro printing in the AMIEL , Newvision E-Post and SMD machines is very similar ( but diferent ) between them , but there are some interesting diferences .

One of the main diferences can be found in the printing size since it is diferent in all the three machines with 1.8 mm in the AMIEL machine , 1.6 mm in the SMD machine and 1.3 mm in the Newvision E-Post machine .

The Newvision E-Post 2000 Euro ATM with the printing in Euro

The SMD Euro ATM with the printing in Euro

The AMIEL Euro ATM with the printing in Euro ( comma printing )

The AMIEL Euro ATM with the printing in Euro ( dot / point  printing )

The first day cachet ( used for all the ATM´s )


The SMD FDC ( same base was used for the AMIEL , Newvision E-Post and Crouzet ATM´s )


The SMD  souvenir ( a similar base was used for the AMIEL , E-Post and Crouzet ATM´s )



Regarding to receipts , the AMIEL , SMD and Newvision E-Post machines continued to print the receipts in a white paper but with the values in Euro , while the Crouzet machines continue to print the receipt in a similar paper of the ATM , also with the values in Euro .


It was also possible to make some interesting maxicards using this ATM issue .

Newvision E-Post 2000 Euro ATM maxicard



Like in the other ATM issues it was possible to obtain some errors and varieties like double printings , missing numbers , printing test with the Euro symbol and stars ( the printing tet in the SMD machines ) , TEST IMPRIMANTE printing ( the printing test in the Crouzet machines ) and many others like rare statistic ATM´s ( with printing Taxas em Serviço ) and others mentioning the coin storage of the machine . 

The AMIEL comma / dot printings

In the AMIEL machine , it was possible to obtain a variety in the respective printing .

In the normal printing , the separation between the decimal digits is made by a normal comma ( , ) but in other machines the same separation between the decimal digits is made by a normal single dot / point ( . )

The AMIEL ATM with the dot / point printing variety 


Still in the AMIEL machine it was possible to obtain a variety with the printing color in black instead on the normal blue .

The AMIEL ATM with the black color printing variety 


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Ricardo Lapa