We bought two rats on April 11, 2002 from a pet store called Fins and Critters. Mine, which I named Spiffy, has a spot on her back, more on the right side. Trisha's, named Evelyn, has a spot on her rump.

Rats are so funny! They scamper and hop all over, and chase each other, and wrestle, and nip at each other's feet and tails. Ours will chase each other all over the cage, and race up and down the ramps. I think they're insane.

This website is dedicated to the late Spiffy and Evelyn. They were such cute, sweet babies, and I greatly enjoyed my time with them.

"mmmm...treats" "But I want to chew on your camera cord!"
"I'm gorgeous!" "You can't keep me here forever!"

4-26-02 FIELD TRIP!!! Ratties got to go on a field trip to the middle school. They met the principals, secretaries, counselors, and some teachers. You could tell which ones were animal lovers, and then the others who made comments such as "ewwww...that TAIL!" and "OMG..there's rats in your room!!"

4-30-02 While Spiffy sat upon my shoulder, I offered her some cauliflower, which she readily took. She's never eaten anything I've offered her when she was out of her cage. So, either she loves cauliflower, she's getting used to me, or she was starving. But either way, that made me happy!

5-13-02 Trisha's rat, Evelyn, has started licking us! It's sweet, really. She'll crawl on your lap, give your hand a few licks, and continue exploring.

5-18-02 Evelyn seems to be in heat, and it is just the funniest thing!! If you scratch on her rump, she'll freeze and start vibrating and her ears just wiggle at a hundred miles an hour! Also, she thinks she's a male and tries to mate with Spiffy. This makes me more sure they're insane (I do know this is perfectly normal behavior).

11-12-02 Whenever I hold Evelyn to my face, she sticks her nose up my nostril, sniffing away. Or if I open my mouth, she'll lick my teeth! Goofy.

7-21-03 I took the girls to the vet. Seems Evelyn has quite a skin problem! She's very itchy, with sores all over her back. Nobody around here treats rats, so I had to drive 30 miles to a vet that does! Evelyn was very good, and Spiffy kept herself busy exploring the table. The doctor said they were very tame! Evelyn got an injection to help with itching, a sample of fur taken for a fungal test, and I give her liquid antibiotics twice a day (for 10 days). We'll see how that goes.

10-07-03 Well, the medicine did help with Evelyn's sores. But the only thing is, she didn't want to take the medicine! BRAT! Spiffy would eat it though - ha! Evelyn still has sores, but they aren't getting any worse, so I'm not too worried about it. Spiffy has taken to tugging at my clothes for some odd reason. Although, I need to be careful, cuz she has already bitten me once.

12-18-03 Sadly, today was Evelyn and Spiffy's last day. I discovered last night that Spiffy's eye was terribly wrong. Something was on it, and it looked dry. She also has a cold, and for some reason is constantly rubbing her paw around her mouth. Just acting different. Today, I checked on her, and her eye was so awful. She was blind in it.

With Evelyn, I let them wander about last night, and I noticed she took an odd step. I watched her further. When she turned around, I saw a large tumor on her belly! It was a large marble size. I knew that would only get worse. So I decided the best option was to have them euthanized. But now I don't have to worry about them. Rest in peace, girls.

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Since April 25, 2002

Last Updated: December 18, 2003