Published in the Pratt Tribune - Feb 2, 2005
By: Al Alingh
What a weekend! It looked like a typical Kansas summer weekend, sunny with a couple of isolated white clouds and a south wind. But this was a special day for Rice County children! You see,  72 third through sixth graders and 107 volunteers joined Rice County's first Kids Safety Camp.

You and I hear a great deal about children who die of health problems, homicide or suicide, but few of us think about the fact that nearly 50 percent of all children's deaths between ages 1-14 are caused by unintentional unjury. Too many children are still dying of unintentional poisoning, firearms, fire and burns, falls, drowning and bicycle injury deaths.

So the Rice County Emergency Medical Services decided to do something about it. *They developed a unique educational program designed to teach children about safety and accident prevention.* It would also give the children a "hands on" opportunity to learn about emergency equipment, techniques and situations.

Organizations involved to help in teh first Kids Safety Camp were the Rice County schools, sheriff's department, fire department and hospital. Also included were the Lyons Fire Department, Sterling Fire Department, Kansas Highway Patrol,  **Midwest Lifeteam Medical Helicopter**, Sterling Police Department and Sterling College.

The camp consists of programming throughout a two-day overnight even held at Camp We-Ja-To, centrally located in teh county between Lyons and Sterling.

On the big day, two school buses brought the children to the camp. They received a warm greeting and each were given a T-shirt and water bottle.

Then they became observers of a "car accident" when a drunk driver and her passengers had an accident which also started a fire.

Then to quote Kelsey Cavit, a volunteer who was at the camp, "Soon the police, sheriff, fire trucks and ambulance came barreling in, sirens and all. Suddenly a helicopter came in for a landing. This was the first activity of the day, a simulation to show how all the different departments work together when there is a crisis."

During the two-day period the campers had a chance to talk with the local and state law enforcement personnel, firefighters and paramedics from both the helicopters and ambulance.

The campers also had the opportunity to tour each vehicle and ask questions. Before the days were over, each child received a gunlock to take home along with some basic gun safety tips. They also swam with licensed scuba divers while learning valuable water safety skills like boat safety and water rescue.

Organized group activities for the two days included emergency equipment displays, water safety activities, water rescue, crash victim extrication, rappelling/high angle rescue, fire safety, fatal vision program, fatal vision driving course, CPR/First Aid and law enforcment dogs.

The first Kids Safety Camp was a success! The lessons learned will empower participants to feel safe at home or school and in their neighborhood. Internally, the camp provided avenues for children to learn safety protocols, instilling positive values of helping other people and taking responsibility.

The help make the camp "all it could be" the Rice County EMS requested a grant from the South Central Community Foundation for nearly $1,400. The grant was approved.

It is really great that SCCF is able to keep some of the money made in our area to help the people in our area. Teh idea of preparing for the future is not a new one, but one that is a proven formula for success. I think that's great!
Please note: some corrections should be noted in this article:

*This was the first time Rice County had sponsored the Kids Safety Camp but it was patterened after a similar activity which Butler County has sponsored in years prior.

**At the last minute, Midwest Lifeteam was unable to assist us with our demonstrations but Eagle Med was able to come and fill in.

Many thanks to all of those wonderful sponsors we had and for all of those volunteers who made this possible!

We are kicking off the Kids Camp of 2005. The plans are underway as I type and there will be more information posted as it becomes available. The only definites thus far are the dates (June 2-3, 2005 and the location will change this year to Sterling College). Please check back for further updates!