Sent:        10/21/98 6:31 PM

	Here is the email that was supposed to make it to you, but apparently
never did.  I thought Iıd dig it out and send it to you. Iıve got the
Resource Center to myself for a few minutes, and so Iım taking advantage of
the quiet and the computer. itıs a refreshing change. Iım happy to have the
new volunteers here, but it gets too hectic for me at times.  of course, R.
might say that watching the grass grow was too hectic for me at times. 
	It was great to talk with you this morning. a nice little treat for the
two of us, I think.  It was the beginning of a particulary good day (so
far) for me, in that I only had to teach one class. I learned right after
it that the students were all called off to work and clean the streets.
hooray!  I was going to meet with the dreaded 8b today - all 37 of them.  I
was not looking forward to it. instead I had a nice talk with my
counterpart Kazna, just touching base with her life and whatıs happening.
We also talked about a recent kidnapping in town (did R. tell you about
it?), and the responsibilities of teachers here and in America. We also
discussed the influence of television and the media on our lives, which is
always a good topic, I think.  
	Then I toddled home to change clothes, eat, read, kill cockroaches, and
start dinner. One never knows when the gas will run out, and since chef
Ricky is so busy I put the onus on myself for our sustenan ....[E-MAIL
BREAK]. . . .
 weıll work on the wish list. However, I feel silly for asking for things
(other than popcorn, yellow kernel, of course) when we have just over 8
months left. Iım sure weıll manage to think of something.
	Did R. also mention that Wooster may want to do an article on him and
Meredith Spungin (another Woosterite), and that they need an objective
journalist to do it? As the wife and non-alumni, I seem to be in the
running. They apparently also pay ($300), which would be fantastic for our
trip home. weıll keep you posted. 
	Alright, Iım off to type up a few more emails for pleasure and for
business.  Hope this finds you well and happy. Give our love to one and all.
Take care, j 

	Thanks for the emails from Ian and Bob - we really enjoyed them. Iım
really excited too, at the news about Karen and Craigıs house. I canıt wait
to see the pictures. Fitz and Zena must be thrilled to the core of the
their little cat hearts. Iıd love to see a photo of the two of them romping
or lolling in the sun. The photos you sent of Lucy, Bart and Cosmo are
great, too.  Guby perused them with great interest.
	We are finally fairly well settled into our little flat. It is much cozier
than the last one, although heat may still be an issue. We are happy to be
in the center of town, close to everything. My runs are still good, even
though the people traffic has increased drastically. It makes it more
interesting and challenging for me at times. 
	No problem if you want to publish part of the letter to Pete. I donıt
think heıll mind either, although you may want to ask him. You certainly
have my permission to put up on the web whatever I send your way. 
	Hope this finds you well, not too bogged down in auto technical
terminology, and happy in the burst of fall colours and changing weather.
Love and miss you,     j
