Subject:     A quick hello Sent:        2/22/99

	Thought I would just drop you a line since Iım on the computer, and Iıve
got some quiet. There isn't much to tell that R hasn't already written, Iım
afraid. Our big news is that my mother and my brother Bob have access to
email. Iıve been corresponding pretty regularly with Bob, and I feel like a
whole new world has opened up. This is the most we've talked in my whole
life.It makes me really happy. 

	We just got the package from your parents, and let's just say that
Hersheyıs kisses are always welcome. It's a late Christmas arrival, but we
were happy to hear from them. we recently received a letter, to which I
immediately sent off a reply. To read their letters you would never believe
that they are upward in years. They both have such vital minds and vibrant
personalities. I feel quite lucky to know them. 

	Rıs been making lists for our trip at the end, and has practically started
packing already. Although, he's beginning to drive me mad with the details.
"Cotton or synthetic? Fleece or no fleece? Do I bring my hiking boots or
get new ones?" I love that he is such an organizer and so detail-oriented
about these things; Iıve been drier and more comfortable because of it.
However, I tend to be more of a think about it, make a list, lay out the
stuff, put it in the bag, take out what doesn't fit, put on the bag, grab
the tickets and leave kind of person. We balance well. 

	Iım on vacation this week, but I don't really feel like it. Iım busy
working with Jamie and some other people on prep work for a women's day
celebration and WID conference in March. We're having an essay contest, an
art contest, a take-a-girl-to-work day, culminating in a concert, art show
and prize presentation on march 8. Whew. Not to mention Iıve got to get
busy organizing things for the March conference - another concert, art
show, information tables, and so on. I must admit that overall, I prefer it
to teaching. Iım also helping one of my students, Aibek, prepare for an
interview in Almaty on March 6. he has a good chance to go to America with
a Soros program, and I want to help him have the best shot possible. It's
been a great experience so far. Iıve learned a lot about kids here from
him, and he's getting more of an idea about America, too. He's a great kid,
and if he doesn't get to go I may just haul him home myself. Maybe. 

	We've been talking of where to settle when we get back, and it's still up
in the air. We've also been talking about kids - when? if? how many? - and
it all seems a bit overwhelming at times. Although, the answers will come.
Seattle for a time is looking tempting for a variety of reasons, not the
least of which is Rıs desire to be near mountains. My favorite is the
midwest, but I'm sure we can reach a deal. We want very much to be near
family and friends, so we'll see what happens. As far as children - who
knows? I've been thinking about talking to Karen about this and seeing what
sort of family planning ideas they've had. 

	And that's about it for now. I hope this finds you well, happy and warm.
We've had some balmy weather, but a fierce chill wind is running around now
that's got us bundling up like before. 

Take care, J        
