Hi!  Could you check with me before you send any of the stuff on this 
list. I would hate for anybody to pay postage on duplicate items.

Thanks, Claudia


Dear Mom,									Jan 14
 I am not sure where the last letter to you ended.  I remember sending an 
e-mail letter to you after X-mas and before New Year's.  If you could 
e-mail back a copy of it so I could see where I left off, I would really 

 I wrote quite a bit during the boring sessions at IST and was going to 
send them home with one of the returning PCVs but decided I would hold on 
to them and type them out once back here in KO.  I know that you are very 
busy, and I have the rest of January off, so I have lots of spare time.  
However, Timur says that there are classes in February, although other 
teachers told me that there would be no school.

 This letter is not going to be a journal one as I forgot the handwritten 
pages back at the apartment and don't want to start in the wrong place.  
Dixie gave me a handful of e-mails:  one about Paul, one about pets, and 
one full of X-mas crap.  I also got the an e-mail about the Turkey poem;  
I thought it was longer than that, Woody.

 Did I tell what packages we received before X-mas?  I think I did; if 
not, then let me know, and I will check the addresses on the boxes.  Do I 
know the new calling card number?

 It was good hear about Paul, everybody was wondering what was going on, 
and PC DC had not bothered to tell anybody.  Please send this e-mail to 
Paul/his mom so he can know what is going on.  I spoke briefly with Timur 
last night, and he said there is a potential problem in that classes 
start in February, and if Paul does not teach, he and Izbera will not 
have the translating hours and "a teacher will lose his or her job."  I 
am not sure what he is babbling about, but he may be mollified if Paul 
can e-mail or fax the beginning of his lectures to be read to the 
students.  However this is just idle speculation and will not be a 
problem for awhile.  We do need to figure out about Paul's apartment.  I 
don't think it will be a problem to keep it for the time he will be gone, 
but if it does become a problem, we will need to talk to Paul about it.  
I assume that through his mother, he will be able to e-mail us directly.
 A copy of that Bob Marley tape that Tim gave to you would be really 
appreciated!  And, no we don't need any cash at this point.  We are able 
to save quite a lot from our two salaries.  

 So let's talk about stuff for him to bring back!  This is going to take 
some time to figure out what exactly we want, so just try to keep track 
of all the stuff that we mention . . .

 Music (maybe Tim will want to be in charge of this) * Erykah Badu's 
album entitled 'Baduizm' * (Salsa music) El Medico de la Salso (artist - 
the Doctor of Salsa) - album is either Mandlin or Manalin / La Charanga 
Habanera / Isac Delgado / Los Van Van / Magic Music Company (these are 
names I got from an article about salsa music from a Newsweek.  We don't 
need the original - copies from library cds or the such would be just 

1) travel thermos to carry hot drinks in backpack - Nissan makes a good 

2) money/passport pouch/wallet for Joan and I - something where we can 
carry our stuff securely and get easy access

3) a cookie sheet for Joan to bake cookies for me

4) there is a poem in that stack of materials that I have for you to send 
called 'English is Tuff stuff' (a crappy photocopy - so far I don't need 
any of the stuff for the diplomatic pouch 

5) wooden spoon for cooking 

6) insulated travel/coffee mugs with lids

7) Peanut butter

8) Cold medicine

I bought a pair of Outdoor Research (OR) Goretex leg gaiters (knee high - 
around $40) just before we left and now wish I had them.  If it is a 
major hassle for Dorothy to find them - I have no idea where they are in 
the pile of stuff in here basement - and to mail them to Paul, just have 
Paul buy a pair in his city or wherever and he can be reimbursed.  They 
would be very useful for these hiking/sledding trips.  Also, I would like 
to get a pair of waterproof pants.  I know this is will be a bit 
difficult as I am here and the pants are there, so I can't try them on, 
but they will be key for more winter activities here and for camping and 
hiking in the mountains this summer.  The two best people I can think to 
talk to about the best type to get would be Paul or Pat Burke in Madison. 
 Both are outdoor types who know a lot about gear, and Pat is near an 
REI.  Put them in touch with me by e-mail and we can work out the details 
(REI will UPS things for free in the US, so they could be sent to Paul).

Books:   2001: a space Oddessy by A.C. Clarke 
 The God of Small Things by that new female Indian writer

 Right, I am going to send this off to you via Dixie tonight.  I will 
start the journal letter tomorrow and keep you posted on other desires as 
they come up.  Take care!

 love,					Rich

    Source: geocities.com/richandjoan