Richard Avenue PTA Membership Form

Name __________________________________________________________________
Phone (home)____________________________________________________________
Phone (work)____________________________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________________
Teacher(s) ______________________________________________________________

Enclose the $4.00 membership fee: 
______Cash           ______Check (payable to Richard Avenue PTA)

Please return this form to Richard Avenue with your child or to the PTA mailbox in the school office.
Why should I join?

PTA is not an isolated entity concerned only with the needs of children in one school.  Each PTA is linked to other PTAs and to a strong state and national organization.

As a member:
- You will be able to vote at general Richard Avenue PTA meetings and hold office.
- You will have access to web sites and
- You can attend the Ohio PTA and National PTA conventions to take part in shaping PTA policies, programs, and directives.
- You are informed of major legislative issues affecting children such as tuition tax credits, vouchers, child labor laws, school lunch programs, and school funding through the secion "What's happening in Washington" in "
Our Children" magazine.
- You gain access to numerous PTA publications on subjects such as parenting, nutrition, alcohol abuse, health education, teacher conferences, leadership, and membership.

PTA puts children first.  PTA brings together parents, teachers, administrators, school board members, and interested citizens to work for all children.