St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church

Atlanta, GA

Gardner Spencer Smith Tench & Hensley Architects


This was the first project I rendered with POV-Ray.  The model was created in AutoCAD 2002, exported with ACAD2POV, and raytraced with POV-Ray 3.5.  I was first attracted to POV-Ray by its price (free) and its excellent radiosity, which is highly accurate, but slow.  My more recent projects rendered with POV use more cheat lights and less radiosity, which is disappointing, but necessary to save time.


Chapel.  This image uses highly accurate radiosity.  Render time was around 16 hours.


Interior of the Great Hall.  Radiosity stretched the render time to around 10 hours.


The Lobby.  Radiosity improves the lighting here, and increased the render time to around 12 hours.


The lobby from the front entrance.  The scripture was done with a “decal” bitmap image, but could have been achieved just as easily with the POV-RAY “text” object.  The tile ceiling is a procedural texture of my own making.


This montage was produced as a gift to the building committee chairperson, and created with Photoshop 7.