Early symptoms of arthritis

But for some children, aspirin in the correct dose (measured by blood test) can control JRA symptoms effectively with few serious side effects. early symptoms of arthritis Pain in penis. If the doctor prefers not to use aspirin, other NSAIDs are available. For example, in addition to those mentioned above, diclofenac and tolmetin are available with a doctor's prescription. Studies show that these medications are as effective as aspirin with fewer side effects. early symptoms of arthritis Abdominal pain lower left quadrant. An upset stomach is the most common complaint. Any side effects should be reported to the doctor, who may change the type or amount of medication. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)--If NSAIDs do not relieve symptoms of JRA, the doctor is likely to prescribe this type of medication. early symptoms of arthritis Left side abdominal pain. DMARDs slow the progression of JRA, but because they take weeks or months to relieve symptoms, they often are taken with an NSAID. Various types of DMARDs are available. Doctors are likely to use one type of DMARD, methotrexate, for children with JRA. Researchers have learned that methotrexate is safe and effective for some children with rheumatoid arthritis whose symptoms are not relieved by other medications. Because only small doses of methotrexate are needed to relieve arthritis symptoms, potentially dangerous side effects rarely occur. The most serious complication is liver damage, but it can be avoided with regular blood screening tests and doctor followup. Careful monitoring for side effects is important for people taking methotrexate. When side effects are noticed early, the doctor can reduce the dose and eliminate side effects. Corticosteroids--In children with very severe JRA, stronger medicines may be needed to stop serious symptoms such as inflammation of the sac around the heart (pericarditis).

Early symptoms of arthritis

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