Industrial Revolution Timeline

1712-1830 1712: The Newcomen steam engine.
1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle.
1764: James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny.
1769: Richard Arkwright patents the water frame.
James Watt patents a series of improvements on the Newcomen engine making it more efficient. 1779: Samuel Crompton perfects the spinning mule.
1785: Edmund Cartwright patents a power loom.
1793: Eli Whitney patenets the cotton gin.
1807: Robert Fulton begins steamboat service on the Hudson River.
1830: George Stephenson begins rail service between Liverpool and London.
1830-1875 1840:
Samuel Cunard begins transatlantic steamship service.
1856:Henry Bessemer develops the Bessemer converter.
1859: The first commercial oil well is drilled in Pennsylvania.
1866: The Siemens brothers improve steelmaking by developing the open hearth furnace.
1875-1905 1836: Samuel F. B. Morse invents the telegraph.
1866: Cyrus Field lays the first successful transatlantic cable.
1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.
1879: Thomas Edison invents the indandescent light bulb.
1892: Rudolf Diesel patents the"diesel engine.
1899: Guglielmo Marconi invents the wireless.
1903: The Wright Brothers make the first successful airplane flight.

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