Kent Stake Youth Trek  2004

Photos and scripts for the  Kent Stake Youth Trek July 22-24. 

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A Walk in the Past

Trek Objectives

Objective 1:  Encourage youth to begin thinking about building a legacy:

As “I walked in the footsteps of our pioneers along the Mormon Trail. . . I wondered why our dedicated ancestors suffered so terribly and yet willingly faced such tremendous obstacles. Perhaps one reason they sacrificed and endured was to leave a legacy of faith for all of us to help us feel our urgent responsibility to move forward in building up the Church throughout the world. We need the same dedication today in every one of our footsteps as the pioneers had in theirs.  --Elder M. Russell Ballard

Objective 2:   Encourage youth  to begin thinking  about the Temple and the Spirit of Elijah in their lives:

 “The spirit of Elijah is active in the impetus . . . toward finding and cherishing family members and family ties past and present . . . spirit of Elijah is the spirit of love that may eventually overcome all human family estrangements. . . .the priesthood power can bind generations together in eternal family relationships and "seal the children to the fathers and fathers to the children" within the gospel of Jesus Christ (WJS, p. 329)”   --Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol. 2, Spirit of Elijah,


Copies of some of the documents and scripts used in the 2004 Trek

 Invitation to Walk in Past

General Outline

Brigham Young Script

Mary Fielding Smith


Mormon Battalion Script

First and Second Rescue

Orson Spenser Family

Photo Gallery

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2004 Trek by the Yakima River.

Hand Carts.

Bro. Sharp as "Capt Allen" of the 1st Dragoons, Army of the West.

Bro. Sharp as "Capt Allen" & John Sharp as "Ephriam Hanks."

Bro. Millard as "Henry Bigler", Pres. Balls as "Brigham", Mike Sharp as "Capt Allen."

"Mormon Battalion" On marches off to Leavenworth for provisioning.

Pres. Coleman as "Joseph F. Smith" and Sis. Tyler as "Mary Fielding Smith."

Sisters in Zion pull up "Rocky Ridge"

Maucotel Family as the the "Jens Nielson family" mourning loss.

Nielson family await the first rescue.

Three young men in the 1st Rescue with Mike and Heather on shore.

Pres. Price talks about "Niels and Bodil" and the need for the 2nd rescue.

Mike and Heather Cochrane in the 2nd rescue.

Mike and Heather with "Bodil Mortensen."

The Vidales family crosses the Yakima river

Jake's family crosses the Yakima River.

Bringing everyone across the river.

The hand cart companies cross the Yakima River

Hand cart companies are welcomed to Far West, by stake members.

Pulling into Far West at Ensign Ranch

Joining in the 24th of July celebration with the stake family.

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