Iori Hida

Aka. Cody Hida


AGE: 9

DIGIMON: Tsubumon, Upamon, Armadimon, Submarimon, Digmon

ARMOR: Knowledge and Faith.

Iori is the youngest of the new Chosen Children. He's also the most responsible and the one who keeps the others on track. Iori studies kendo (Japanese fencing) with his grandfather.

Iori lives with his mother and grandfather. His father was a policeman and was killed in the line of duty. His mother is a great cook and the other children love her snacks. Iori's grandfather is a retired policeman who teaches kendo to the local children.

Iori was on the airplane that was attacked by Kuwagumon after the battle with VenomMyotismon.

From a Japanese CD cover.