Ken Ichijouji

Aka. The Digimon Emperor


AGE: 12

DIGIMON: Leafmon, Minomon, Wormmon, Stingmon (Ken also has unlimited enslaved Digimon)

The new enemy in the Digital World is not a Digimon, but a human boy! This boy calls himself the Digimon Emperor and believes that it is his right to take over the Digital World and enslave all Digimon. His tools are his Black Digivice, the Dark Rings, and the Control Spires. Using the Black Digivice he placed a lock on evolution so that no Digimon can digivolve and thus they are powerless to oppose him. Then he captures them and puts Dark Rings around them, making them his slaves. The final step is to build a Control Spire in each area. The Control Spires amplify the power of the Black Digivice and Dark Rings, allowing the Emperor to keep control of an area even when he's not there. Once the Control Spire is destroyed in each area, the Digimon are free from his control and are able to digivolve again, but only within that area. If they travel to another area where a Control Spire still stands, they are just as powerless as before. The only way the new Digimon can digivolve is by using their Digimental armor, which cannot be controlled by the Emperor's Black Digivice. In Episode 10, Ken invents the Evil Ring which is more powerful than the Dark Rings. The Evil Rings could control Champion or lower Digimon, but with the Control Spire he is able to control even Ultimate Digimon. Another advantage of the Evil Ring is that it does not need the power of the Control Spires and will continue to be effective even once the Towers are destroyed.

In the real world, the Digimon Emperor is a boy named Ken Ichijouji. Ken's a genius, good at school, sports, everything. The Digi-Destined first hear about him when he is being interviewed on TV after having won a computer programming contest. Little do the Digi-Destined know the sweet, obedient boy they see on the TV is actually the evil Digimon Emperor. Ken thinks that because he's a genius, everyone else is beneath him and not worth his time. He even thinks this of his own parents. After Episode 9, Ken leaves the real world in order to spend all his time in the Digital World.

Although he has a partner Digimon, Wormmon, he never uses him in battle. Instead he uses his legions of enslaved Digimon to do his dirty work for him. Wormmon loves Ken, but Ken hates Wormmon, thinking he's not fit to be the partner Digimon of the great Digimon Emperor.

From a Japanese CD cover.