Legio XX at the re-opening of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Etruscan/Greek/Roman hall, Sunday March 16, 2003.

Legio XX in the courtyard of the
Univ. of Penn museum.

Owen and Matt

Merlinia and Asellina in the

Owen with female admirer

Merlinia's food demo

The caupona; glass by Taylor & Hill, samian ware by Gil Burroughes on shelf.

Jenny, Asellina and Owen. They
were working on spinning wool
with drop spindles.

Roger and Dan in the courtyard

The U Penn museum courtyard
and the crowds

No end of questions

Etruscan, 3rd Cen BC

Etruscan Montefortino, closeup

Owen & Roger examine model

A typical Pompeian winebar, from
model in museum

Asellina's caupona. Note the


This example is nearly identical
to our Taylor & Hill reproduction

Richard / Aulus


George Metz, commander,
Legio XXIV