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Sunday 7.6.02 6:30am

"Well I'm talking 'bout the isolation, Complication, Aggravation, Voices inside my head, Something that you said, Well I don't know, Something drove me to the act, But I just couldn't recollect..."
Another promo picture done. Girl has a kitsune mask and the guy has an oni mask and tengu wings!! Spent way too much time on this pic >___<

Friday: Got to the business meeting late. Was meeting Katy and Nolan and some other people when Meagan drives up. She never misses a chance to get the frozen mochas. We ended up just hanging out at the CyberCafe and Outback. Played DDRmax with Meagan and watched MIB2 all the while trying to keep her from this scary guy. She made faces the whole time whenever he came close to her >___< I felt bad for not being more social and sitting with Ally, so I got her ice cream tonight since she was home sick and we just hung out for a while.

July 4th. Went to work until 2pm and then picked up Meagan and went to this huge fireworks stand on hightway 6 and spent a nice amount on fireworks. We left with a nice bag of tricks and then ran around town until night time. I've had this healthy fear of fireworks ever since I was a kid and this is the reason why. I decided shooting fireworks in from of my house or the backyard was a bad idea so we ran over to the park. Everything was fun at first, minus the stupid people who seem to be shooting their fireworks everywhere. Setting the bush near us on fire which of course was next to our firworks. Anyhow, Meagan gets out this huge roman candle and we actually decide to follow the instructions and NOT hold the thing while it fires. So she leans it up against the curb and lights it. So this works but after the first 2 shots, it falls over and we see fireworks shooting pass Meagan's head and another barely misses her body. So she's now in the streets dodging fireworks >____< Luckily all the shots missed her. If it did hit her, I don't think stop-drop-and-roll wouldn't helped much LOL. So then I light my roman candle and was about to prop it onto a sign post when it explodes and I feel my eyebrows getting singed. Then more sparks fly out and hit my eye lids missing my eyes X__x So yeah, we just looked at each other and started laughing. What else do you do when you both were that close to spending the night in the hospital? We made faces the rest of the night.

Tuesday: Finally got my Passport done downtown when I took my bro to get his renewed. Watch out world, here I come? Well, actually the delayed trip to Japan next summer or spring should be fun. I wanna see the sakura festival once in my life. Meg's signed up and Amy's expressed interest and I think Ally wants to come along randomly. It sounds fun already. Speaking of Meg, we ran over to the CyberCafe for our fix and then I took her to Zeo's. I think we had more fun drawing on the table than eating the food. Bought random anime DVD and drove home watching the sun set.

I worked and had a late dinner with Chloe Monday night. It was pleasant and we realize it's a small world when it comes to anime fans in Houston. Knowing the same people is fun, thank goodness it has nothing to do with the club. She gets points for that. Again I had the urge to go downtown and just do something random but we decided to call it a night. On the way home, I realizes that she sorta reminds me of Amy. The dress shirts, the twitching, the rough-housing... yeah it's amy in a smaller package >___< Gotta remind myself to find time to hang out with her too. Came home and found my bro was in town randomly From Japan.

~Rick-chan =^.^=
My Mood: Ecstatic
Listening to: Cautionary Warning From Black Heaven

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Sunday 6.30.02 4:30am

Hopefully we'll see a lot more of this guy. He seems to be a fan favorite for right now ^____^;;;. He compliments the girl, ne?

Right now: You know who I miss and I haven't been able to admit to it. Jenny. But she does always seem to remind me that she's still around, like last night. I hate you ~__~;; but I do miss you at the same time. Just so you know. Yeah, the popple is here too.

Friday: Saw the Bourne Identity with Meagan, and I have to say, I loved it. Pretty familiar territory reworked and made great. Who says derivative stuff has to suck badly. Franka Potente has awesome hair.. well in the beginning anyhow. Oh yeah, Meagan randomly bought me Meiji no Yama which are chocolate and macadamia nuts in the shape of little shrooms. Think I'm going to decorate something with them. Don't ask me what. But yeah, they're bigger than the shrooms I bought her the very first time we hung out. I remember. And really, nothing is more entertaining than watching her avoid unsavory people in the theaters and elsewhere while at the same time munching on happy town crackers ^o^

Thursday: Tried unsuccessfully to help Sara find a swim suit. I swear, baybrook sucks... but yeah, she wasn't too happy and the fact that we were supposed to talk about things wasn't going well either. I think our friendship is at a breaking point. Things like "I don't understand the people you hang out with" just doesn't work. You understand me... what does that say?? I'm still kinda mad at her but at the same time I can't imagine not having her friendship. We've gone at it before, this is just deja vu.

After that, I got Ally and me went and met Lindsay and Autumn to eat at TGI's. I'm really happy with Lindsay's work and after meeting her, she's definitely kewl. Her friend's a cute little mormon girl, I can say this because well she reminds me of my friend, Rachael minus the attitude and well the violence and the flirting. j/k. Rachael is my buddy >D Anyhow, we had a fun late dinner and I got to talk to Ally some on the long drive to and from the Woodlands. She's signed her deal and I'm waiting impatiently to sign away the next 2 years of my life to something I've always wanted to do.

Wednesday: Meg came over today and we hung out, used the coinstar machine and randomly ate at central texas BBQ ... it was actually good, very good... which is why I like going to random places. Like the other day we wanted Kobu's but for some odd reason they were closed between lunch and dinner so we ran over to Nippon and found that they had better katsudon, and it's the fav place for the moment.

My friend Chloe brought me food at work the other day. I really didn't know what to say. She brought tunafish sandwiches and told me it was made with love... >___< I thought it was made with pickles and celery... the point being, I don't really know what to do when people do stuff that's random like that. It's not like your friend bringing you food. Like when Meg brought bourbon chicken to me at work... it was just incredibly nice. This on the other hand kinda caught me by surprise. Guess it's not what I want right now, but sometimes I can't help but wonder...

~Rick-chan =^.^=
My Mood: Ecstatic
Listening to: Drop By Cornelius

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Saturday 6.22.02 4:35am

Most recent Monthly Anime Gaijin entry.

I had the most god-awful dream last night. Imagine dreaming that the closest person in your life just had a fatal accident. I can't remember the last time I dreamt that I was actually balling my eyes out... Then of all the people to come and comfort me, it happens to be my ex... the ex g/f. Which opens soooo many doors I can't even comprehend. She was reason I joined this fledgeling anime club years ago. So we could promote artwork. It's funny... thinking about how far it's gone, from being a selfish reason to taking interest in people and a club, all the way to the zenith of apathy.

In a way, it's come full circle. The original goal of having something published is more or less done. How many people own an a-kon 13 t-shirt? A few thousand? I hope you're doing the same where ever you are. And yes, success is really pointless unless there's someone there to be happy with/for you, right? Some dreams die and some come true even if it's not the way you want them.

Speaking of which. This week has been spent chasing another proverbial dream. It's a new goal as well as a very old old dream. As silly as it seems... I feel like I'm living otaku no video. The work, the random meetings with people over various meals, the planning, the passions... it's all there. It's the project to end all projects. And I'm so happy that Meagan is along for the whole ride. Of all the people I know and trust, she's the only one who seems to care about this as much as I do. And when all is said and done, I have no doubt that everything will work out...

We've been meeting with Ally and rest of the crew all week. Eating at Nippon, drinking coffee at CyberCafe, and generally working on what is the beginning of something great. Which I hope is a good thing, with all the weirdness going on in her life. She thinks she's been bothering me all week, but in reality she's been more of a support than she knows. Ally's great, between the DDR and work we've been putting into this thing, I can't imagine all of this coming together without her dedication. Let's hope it keeps up for another year and then some. Right here, right now... This is the beginning.

My friend Sara showed up last week wanting something I couldn't give. How do you tell someone how important they are to your life when all the things they care about at the moment is really trivial. It's great feeling that someone trusts you enough... but it's worthless when that's all you're good for. I haven't felt worthless for a while, especially when I was truly trying to help.

I need to spend more time with Jyoti and Rachael, minus the parasite that is Clay. It's painful watching some people mindlessly go after your friend, who's obviously not interested. Oh well, like that's never happened before.

~Rick-chan =^.^=
My Mood: Tired
Listening to: Intersteller Over Dope By Acid Mother Temple

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