Ricky recently got off his crutches from a broken ankle during football season. He canmboard just cant go big yet untill the ankle is 100%.

Jerry has recently joined the swim team. Its his first year. He iight. Hes better at boarding than he is swimming. Anthony Kawalski he has gotten better also. Hes been throwing down the ill pankakes. Also his style has improved from last year. Andrew. Last year andrew switched from snowblades to boarding. For just a year under his bealt he is good.
Terrence is stilll battling a knee injusry from the season last year. It bothered him throughout the football season but he still played and now he is still boardin'. Jon recently got 6th place in a competition at Big Bolder. That is good but he hopes to do better the next time. Ha oh yeah he broke up with his old girlfriend that is why he is better now. Steeeeeve. What a suprise. He goes to frost with Terrence and Jon one day and suddenly decides to throw a big switch 720! He cant do a 540 but he can do a switch 7. Ray. Ray doesnt go that much because he does not have a pass. Hopefully we can hook him up later in the season. Also he said hes buying his own snowmaker so he will have rails in his backyard.
Randy is jons brother. He is an amateur in Team Extreme. He will not get his own page till he throws it down in 05. Props to him though. I have to say something about the girl that follows us around. Just playin Carly your mad funny and i think jon thinks so too hahaha I mean yea. Oh and Sean and Carlo recently joined the team they will get a page sooner or later.

I keep a red flag hangin out my backside but only on the right side yeah thats the extreme side.

So here are the standing so far on Friday 1/13/05:

  1. Terrence
  2. Jon
  3. Steve
  4. Ricky
  5. Ant
  6. Jerry
  7. Drew
  8. Ray
  9. Rand