Why the Red Bandanna?


Ok the red bandanna. Yes it seems controversal but in reality it means very little. The reason we all wear rebandannas on the mountain is so that we can find each other if we go alone. We wanted to get a color that would stand out from far away. Red was most definatley not wanted at first. We had to get red beacause the flea markets are closed for the winter and the only ones we could find were blue and red. Red stands out better so we picked it. When we got to the mountain and the whole team was wearing a red flag it was awesome. Some kids thought we were a team so we became one. To find out more about that go to the How did we get our name page of this website.Anyway they thought we were a team so they made teams and challege us at big bouldwer sometimes. Its all in good fun we dont have any enemys yet. This is why we wear the red bandanna ...... oh yeah and cuz were cool.