Card of the Week - Archive

Hunger for Supremacy, Revenge, Rare
This card started playtesting at a mana cost, with Materialize 7. Plus, it put the card directly into the caster's hand. The amount of toning down I did should hint at just how insane it used to be.

Forgotten Past, Solstice, Rare
This is the first card in the block to feature a keyworded mechanic (Alternate) without reminder text for lack of space. I liked this card enough that I wouldn't let this keep me from including it in the set. As keen eyes may have noticed, this is an update on Bazaar of Wonders, and is, in my opinion, one of the coolest appearances of the Alternate mechanic.

Aether Pour, Solstice, Rare
This card is a rehash on Mana Short. I made it a sorcery and made it more restrictive, because I didn't want it to be as versatile and as dramatic as Mana Short. To make up for that, I added the possibility to get rid of blockers, which gives the card more Limited value.

Materialism, Verdict, Rare
During Verdict's Constructed playtesting, three decks rose to tier-1 status: a U/W control deck based on Trove of Beliefs; an aggressive and efficient white weenie deck; and, arguably the best one, a red-green aggro/control deck that abuses the hell out of today's Card of the Week, known as R/G Materialism. (Stay tuned for those decklists and more in the next weeks.)

Dwarven Servant, Verdict, Uncommon
This card was moved from common to uncommon because it was wrecking havoc in limited, especially combined with white cards such as Kampa Weaponship and, even scarier, Sainted Bodyguard.

Windsearch Druid, Verdict, Rare
One of the green powerhouses in the set, the Druid initially came into play with four counters. I realized later that three counters would still make it probably the best green rare in the set, so I changed it.

Softgust Season, Verdict, Common
The common nonbasic land cycle in Verdict started out using the Unchain mechanic. Later on, I realized they would be much more elegant if they took advantage of Alternate. And thus the Season cycle was born.

Elvish Naturalist, Verdict, Common
In its early incarnations, this common card used to cost and didn't require tapping to activate its ability. Wizards' releasing Viridian Zealot as a rare in Darksteel brought me back to Earth.

Unscrupulous Deathmage, Verdict, Rare
This card was the best of the rare Mage cycle during playtest. In fact, it was so much better than the others that it lost regeneration and the activation cost of its first ability raised from to .

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