still more photos ...

The huge rocket on the left is the Saturn V, with an Apollo capsule and LER (launch escape rocket) perched on top (or rather on top if it were standing up).  The two to the right are the Gemini (chubby rocket) and Mercury (skinny rocket far left). Close up of the Gemini and Mercury rockets, capsules and LERs.  Not counting the LERs and their mounting framework, the rockets and capsules are really a lot smaller than I had imagined as a child.  Of course, they weren't intended to boost someone to the moon the way the Saturn V was.
This is PeeWee in the ditch.  I misjudged my turn and, while the front wheel made it all the way through, the back left wheel got stuck in the mud.  No lasting damage was done ... just a slight delay. This was taken on the Bolivar Ferry going from Galveston to Bolivar and on the way to New Orleans.
Not all the plantations along the River Road are dolled up for the tourists.  This one, "Homeplace" is abandoned, not having been used as a residence for the past 20 years or more. Marian, napping peacefully on the porch at Laura Plantation.

This may end up being my favorite photo from the whole trip.

Oak Alley Plantation as seen from the River Road. Saint Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter.
The Cypress trees are what forms the structure for most of the swamp.  If you look close you can see the Spanish Moss hanging from the limbs. The various bayous branch out through the delta swamps and make a great highway system ... if you know where you are going.  If not, you are gator bait.
This is a Great Blue Heron standing in among the roots of the Cypress. A four-foot gator.  Probably about four years old since our guide told us they normally grow about a foot each year.