Ric Thomas...
Would you like to know who I have been, who I think I am or who I am becomming???

I am a 31 year old who loves Life. I am kind of at the crossroads of my life, having lived all around New South Wales, working and travelling overseas, and settling for the time being in Sydney...  I have realised that theres so much more for me to experience in Life. I am single, though I hope to change this one day, and have a wonderful and supportive network of family and friends.

I love Australia, particularly the outdoors.... so you may find me jogging, walking or trekking my way through the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, or the huge parks near my home. I love the country areas of NSW and get away as often as I can...

I am a qualified Paramedic Ambulance Officer, with formal studies in Paramedical , Health and Environmental Science ... and certificates in many other things of interest. My career goal is to teach ... possibly health care to undergrads....

My hobbies are many and varied (its a Saggittarian thing) I enjoy having the odd drink and chatting with friends over coffee and dinner, I study philosophy esotericism and mysticism. Being a member of the Rosictucian Order AMORC, I am interested in hermeticism and the modern and ancient fraternal orders.  I have been writing poetry for about 13 years.

My newest fascination is all things French... I fell in love with France and especially gay Paris. My current hobby is the study of the French language so that I can return to study the historical roots of the Rose Croix and Martinist orders of France...and maybe Caligstro's oriental masonry...perhaps to meet up with friends and have another vin rouge (or 3) in Bordeaux....

If theres anything else you need to learn about me..... click on the links or email and ask me...

Ric's Online CV
Ric's Poetry