Biker Babe: A Profile

by Henry Custer

I expect that for most people the term "Biker Babe" conjures up visions of young ladies sporting tattoos, clad in black leather bikinis, leaning provocatively on a much chromed Harley, and other such fantasies.

The love of my life for over 50 years doesn't really care for riding but wholeheartedly supports my habit.
Those of you who know Jody know she has always been supportive, even enthusiastic about my lifelong love of motorcycling. Through several years of frugal living and rearing two great kids she never, even in the heat of anger or frustration, said a discouraging word about the time and money I have selfishly spent on my obsession with riding. Through many old bikes ranging from a 1929 NSU to my current choice, a 1995 PC, many bought on credit with payments taken from the household budget, Jody has continued to support the sport she never really understood or personally enjoyed.

With the most sincere gratitude I can say unequivocally that then, now, and forever my Lady will be the epitome of a "Biker Babe" at her finest!

Just one of the many reasons I love her dearly.

Copyright © 1996 by Henry Custer.