Just some total idiosy that hit me as a personal challenge to myself. Kinda a twist on the Alphabet game. Anyone else want to try one? (Hint: you might want to start with the X,Y,Z - they almost killed me!) -- Janice

A bleek Chicago day engaged Fraser's gaze. He ignored jabbering Kowalski's lament, missing numerous objectionable paroxysms; quietly rejoicing summer's taint under very weak xanthic yankee zephyrs.
-- Janice

Dangerously effective fantasy games. How it jumps. Kowalski lowed mumbling. Not oily pizza. Quit resisting. Start tasting. Utterly vulnerable. Wench, 'xceptionally, young, zaftic, adjustings bonds casually.
-- Lucysmom

"Actually," Ben commented, "Daily, each fine guest hovers in, joyfully knitting like my neighbor."
"Oddly purple." Quickly, Ray skimmed the unau.
"Virtually without xanthous yarn."
-- Elizabeth

Anxiously, Ben caressed Dief's effete fur, guarding his illness' jactitations, knowing last memories, nasty of pain, quietly ressurecting sadly touching ubiquitous vales, when x-rays yielded zoonosis.
-- M-A

After breakfast Chicago detectives eagerly fight goombahs herded into jail, knowing liaising Mounties never observably punch quarrelsome rowdy stinkin' thugs unless vehement Welsh xeronicly yells Zuko.
-- Laurie

A balding cute detective enunciated, "Fantastic girl, holding intimate, just kissing, loving, moaning." Need occasional passion quite refreshing, sex titillates. Unbelievably vivacious woman, 'xciting yet zany.
-- Ellen

For your groaning pleasure...
"What? Xenophobic…you?"
"Zero-tolerance abases, but constantly doesn't everyone find gaffes habitually intrude? Jealous kinks like Machiavellian nooses..."
"Oh, please! Quit reading Shakespeare tomes!"
Mapu (Back to Reality Spice)

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