Modern Alternative League
A Diamond Mind Simulation League
Commissioner--Rik Boyd
Athletics--Tom Meegan
Angels--Steve Vantine
Blue Jays--Rob Culver
Devil Rays--Christopher Williams
Indians--Ken Reese
Orioles--Terry Buchanan
Mariners--John Parker
Red Sox--Jim Condon
Twins--Mike Maloney
Tigers--Al DeWolf
White Sox--Matt Surell
Yankees--Dan Logan
Astros--Bob Kimmet
Reds--Rik Boyd
Cardinals--Rod Carpenter
Cubs--Judy Logan
Diamondbacks--Ken Smith
Rockies--Dan Hennessy
Brewers--Ry Adams
Giants--Elan Gelbart
Marlins--John Holst
Mets--Gary Krammes
Phillies--Ivan Alber
Pirates--Steve Juanes
"Whoever would understand the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball,the rules and the realities of the game--and do it by watching first some high school or small-town teams."
                             -Jaques Barzun
"It breaks your heart.It's designed to break your heart.The game begins in the spring,when everything else begins again,and it blossoms in the summer,filling the afternoons and evenings,and then as soon as the chill rains come,it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone."
                      -A. Bartlett Giamati
More MAL Stuff at Elan's Page
Total Baseball Association
The Envy of the League.
The constitution
Team Batting
Team Pitching
Team Fielding