The Ownage of Kryliene, Part X

Akira approached the gates to Freeport. The guards saw her and charged to kill her.

"WAIT!" She screamed. "I have urgent news of Kryliene!" The guards stopped on hearing this. They approached her.

"What is it?" Guard Munden asked.

"I need to speak with Fenani Copperhold right away."

"She lives in North Freeport. That is not our territory. Now what is this about Kryliene? You are aware she is a wanted criminal?"

"Yeah yeah, well I wouldn't go chasing after her right now if I were you."

"Ha! Kryliene is no match for me."

"Yeah? Tell that to the people of Erudin. Now excuse me, I must see Fenani."

"Very well, here, you'll need this to get past the guards." Guard Munden handed her an insignia ring. She put it on and headed to North Freeport.


Once in North Freeport, she found Fenani's home and knocked at the door. A High Elf answered the door. She showed a flash of fear at the sight of Akira, but then noticed the insignia ring and the fear left her. "May I help you?" she asked.

"Is this the home of Fenani Copperhold?" The High Elf nodded.

"Yes, I share it with her. I'm Lenina Loire. You need to see Fenani?"

"Yes, it's urgent. About Kryliene."

"Oh no...Please. Come in. Fen!" Fenani came down the stairs. She saw Akira standing there and immediately knew what was going on.

"No....." Her eyes pleaded with Akira, as if begging for it not to be true.

"I'm afraid so...Erudin is gone."

"What?! How?!"

"She destroyed it." Fenani flinched.

"No way. I didn't know the Demon was THAT powerful. This is bad. Did you find out how to construct the Demon Slayer?"

"Mostly. I know 5 of the 6 pieces needed."

"Let me guess, Globe of Fear?"


"Globe of Fear, the one you don't know?"

"Is that the final piece?"

"Yes. I found out the other day while I was in Qeynos, from Tovax Vmar, just before he attacked me, foolish man. It was one of those 'I can tell ya, but I'd have to kill ya things, except he's a weakling and wasn't up to the latter part of the task."

"I see. So the six pieces are a Vile Substance, a Velium Bolt, a Batling Eye, a Dragoon Dirk, a Longbow, and a Globe of Fear. I can't imagine how those will combine to make anything."

"Trust me, they do. I know how the assembly works also. I just don't know where we can find these items."

"Well," Lenina said, "maybe Cate would know about the bow?"

"Possibly. Can you go ask her?"

"She's not in town at the moment, last I heard she was fighting those evil crocodiles in the Oasis."

"Alright fine, I'll go ask her. Akira, can you check around in Neriak for information?"


"No? Why not?"

"Much like Kryliene, I am an unjustly wanted criminal in my hometown."

"I see...Where are you safe then?"

"Erudin...except Erudin no longer exists."

"Alright. Then do whatever you can. I'll make sure you can live in Freeport safely on my way to see Cate. Keep that ring with you, and this necklace. It will signify that you're with me."

"Alright. Thanks Fenani."

"No problem, but now we must save Kryliene; her time is short."
