




In Akmena countryside, Anyksciai region of Lithuania, an ancient windmill is being restored. It is historic Windmill of Akmena estate, This large Dutch windmill was built approximately 140 - 150 years ago. All the century long it was alive and healthy, wind was blowing to its sails and the corn was being melted, melted and melted… “It has done as much flour, that could not come to the mill itself”, - related one of the last millers of Akmena Vytautas Skaudas.  In y.1901 known Lithuanian writer Jonas Biliunas was charmed of its beauty and described Akmena windmill in his novel “Vejo malunas" ("Windmill"). All this time the mill was property of Akmena estate, a symbolic part of Akmena view, sight of Akmena vicinity. That’s why it is worthy to be remembered. Seemed the end had come in early soviet years, when owners of Akmena were exiled, estate was plundered, the mill had become strayed, fired and devastated.

Nearly the same has happened with most other windmills in Lithuania… According to 1914 – 1921 year cartographic data there were about 1000 windmills in Lithuania and most of them were working mills, while in 1982 there was found only about 250 windmills and almost none of them in full working state [A.Andrejevas, E.Morkunas , "VEJO MALUNAI", book - photo album, Vilnius, Mokslas, 1982]. And at present most of rest are in decay… It is a time to stop vanishing ancient windmills in Lithuania ! Another way there will be a little to be restored !

The Akmena Windmill has succeeded. It is being restored since 1994. The works are in charge of the Department of Cultural Heritage Protection; of The Municipality of Anyksciai; and of the owners of the Mill. Windmill is being rebuilt mainly in the same way, as it was being done a century ago. The mill is supposed to be restored as a museum exhibit with running windmill equipment with an ancient corn grinding technologies. There we could see the Wind as significant, valuable, clean and renewable energy resource.  It is planed to fit out a wind powered electric generator, which could supply electricity for local needs. From a small platform arranged at the top of mill’s cap you will see a vast environs of Akmena and Akmena estate.

Up to now, the stone walls of the Windmill were restored, the new joist ceilings were made, the new mill’s cap-roof with vane axis was constructed on the ground, mill’s upward shaft was installed, the cap-turning mechanism was made. All windows, doors and gates are already made, but yet not arranged. Cap arrangement works started in November and six weeks later the main part of 2000 y. project was done. Finally, it happened few days before Christmas – the new 4 ton weight mill cap turning mechanism was arranged on mill walls and 10 ton weight cap-roof, which was lain done on the ground for over three years, was lifted up and put on the stone walls of the Akmena windmill ! (see NEWS).

At this time the hardest restoration work is done. It would be very nice to finish this work, to make Akmena windmill full working. Now the urgent thing is: 1) to put in order all openings in mill’s stone walls and settle all 9 windows, 2 doors and 2 gates here; 2) to arrange: grindstones, brake-wheel with crown-wheel and sails.

It is believed,   that all  the     Project of Akmena windmill restoration,    in dependence of funding, be over in several next years.

Akmena windmill web site  is under construction. More extensive description of restoration works is given in Lithuanian version of the web site. It is being translated to English.

Best wishes from Akmena!

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    Constructed by Rimgaudas Zirgulevicius                           2004 02 16