Ahh yes... the quintisential part of every fansite. This is where all of the members of RINIBEAN will tear through comments we receive that are either moronic or flames.
**New Flames are listed at the top of the page**
This flame came to us from Apparently, Assassins caused about as much pandemonium as I expected. Again, I think ya'll know the colors that each of us uses for these things.

Taken from, and signed by Uninnocent Bystander.
You know, this was a good story
Why thank you. I try to write good stories. ...good until you decided to kill 3 of the Backstreet Boys.Hmm... the title is Assassins... I wonder what happens in the fic... Lance..Lance is bad enough. Again, that's actually true. Lance IS horrible... that's why he ended up dead. And I know that was later in the story...but I have one thing to say: OOO BITCH!!! YOU DID NOT JUST KILL BRIAN!!!!!! *checks newspaper* You're right. I did not kill Brian."Fetish"'s Colt 45 is nothing compared to my machine gun! And your machine gun is nothing compared to me and my shotgun. And if I could get at the sick mind who wrote that I'd be sending them straight into your mother fucking face!!!!!!!Mother fucking face.... I'm having a hard time picturing a "mother fucking face" Anyone who can write anything that juvenile and disgusting deserves to be scalped themselves and tossed out to sea with the sharks! I'd welcome death. Please, end this joke called life... I dare you. I like sharks! Can I go out and swim with them? And may their soulds "Soulds?" What the hell is a sould? I want to know where my 'sould is...rot in hell for all eternity! You are one SICK-ASS whore!!!! Well, we knew that... thanks for reminding us again. *nods* Hey! Just because I have weird dreams doesn't mean that I'm a sick ass whore PB!

And then there's this lovely flame, taken from as well. This was singed by Fetish.
You know, you had me happy up until you touched Lance. Blue, I think we're the only people who hate Lance.I was a bit disturbed with Brian I am a bit disturbed by Brian too. But you know what... the character based on ME was the one who had to do all that shit to him... just ask PB... I was ready vomit while writing it. [I personally think it should have been Nick who dies]I don't think it should have been Nick who dies... besides, I had to go with Blue to St. Kitts in the end of the story. *purrs* and I wasn't too happy with Juzzy getting his balls whacked off. But I am! Like stated in the fic, the world doesn't need more ugly people. Britney...I don't care. Stab away. Have fun. But I swear to God. If any of this happened in real life...especially my baby getting shot [that would be Lance for all yew dunderheads]Dunderheads... such strong words. I'd be screaming something close to this: "BITCH YOU BETTER START FUCKING RUNNING NOW BEFORE I FIND MY GOD DAMN COLT 45 AND BLOW YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF!" You do know none of this is real... You should have killed off Chris instead. Then Lance would have been framed for the killings and you'd be bitching because the police arrested him. No one really likes him.I like Chris. He's their version of AJ. *sweet smile* So yes. This would have been a good review if you hadn't fucked the story by touching my Jamie. Jamie? I've never heard Lance called Jamie before. What the fuck is up with that?

Our very first posting for this page came to BM via Instant Messagner. Apparently, this is what her AOL profile say
s:AJ McLean... er... yeah. That's it.
Location: Either Po-Dunk or Hole-in-the-Wall, Ohio
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: Well, you'd laugh if I said them. So I won't. Go form your own opinion.
Computers: The one that works when I want to use it.
Occupation: I plead the fifth.
Personal Quote: I'M LOSING MY BUM
Now, whenever people around podunk decide to play "which BSB do you think I'm most like?" BM ALWAYS ends up as AJ. ALWAYS. But now, thanks to our fun little gullible person known as BadGirl12880, BM has finally been confused with Mr. McLean.
Recieved: 11-22-01
Via: Instant Messagner
Type: Moronic
Comments b
y BlueMew, PsychoBitch, Nick, and AJ

BadGirl12880: hey are you aj from the bs
bs (No. Last I checked, I was female... therefore I am NOT AJ from the BSB)
ABlueMew2: who wants to know?
BadGirl12880: me?
ABlueMew2: what's up?
BadGirl12880: n2m you
ABlueMew2: chill
in(and trying not to fall out of my chair laughing)
BadGirl12880: cool. .
ABlueMew2: so where you from?
BadGirl12880: wait ur Aj Mclean  . . . from the BsB
s?(It must be wonderful to be so naieve...)
BadGirl12880: Im from IL
BadGirl12880: How about you
ABlueMew2: so what did you think of the Chicago concert?
BadGirl12880: It was awesome. . .
BadGirl12880: as always. .
ABlueMew2: thank you dear
BadGirl12880: welcome  ..
ABlueMew2: so tell me a little about yourself...
BadGirl12880: umm as in . . . ?
ABlueMew2: I don't know... whatever you want to tell me.
BadGirl12880: uhh i love the bsb and music is my life! i like to sing dance play the flute and sax. and i love nick carte
r!(*purrs* Who doesn't love me! Even our alleged AJ loves me!)
ABlueMew2: ... I can't believe people like him more than the rest of us...
BadGirl12880:  no no no i didnt mean it that way
ABlueMew2: well, that's good to know... Frack's a pain
BadGirl12880: oh?
BadGirl12880: okay . . .?~?
ABlueMew2: ahh... I shouldn't say anything.
BadGirl12880:  i really think hes a sweet perso
n!(*hugs moron* See BM? Some people think I'm sweet! *hits Nick* I just think you're about as intellegent as my left shoe... but you're pretty... so that makes up for it)
ABlueMew2: you ever met hi
m?(Seriously, moron, he IS a dumbass who only likes girls who dress like whores.)
BadGirl12880: but i like you all alot and i dont love him cuz ya know i dont know u guys so i cant s
ay (Well, it's good to see that you've got some sense to you... although you still haven't guessed that I AM NOT AJ)
ABlueMew2: it's all good
BadGirl12880: cool
BadGirl12880: do u know missy pojet
a?(who the fuck is that???)
ABlueMew2: sounds familiar... can't place the name
BadGirl12880: you cant be aj. . .  you live in ohio??????
??(*claps* No shit sherlock. Would AJ McLean actually talk to someone over IM that he didn't know???)
ABlueMew2: dude, you don't think I'd put down some state like ohio so people wouldn't know who this i
s?(God you're evil.... Blue, where do you come up with this shit?)
BadGirl12880: oh i duno?
BadGirl12880: sorry
ABlueMew2: nah... it's fine.
BadGirl12880: k cool
BadGirl12880: so you and nick are clos
e?(In fanfiction. *purrs*)
ABlueMew2: well, kind of. he's probably the craziest of us... that's why we get along
BadGirl12880: i see  thats cool
!!(Yes... it would be cool... IF I ACTUALLY KNEW NICK CARTER)
BadGirl12880: do you know the club ground zer
o?(again, NO FUCKING CLUE)
ABlueMew2: hold on a sec... I'm burning popco
rn(aka... I'm looking up club ground zero on the net.)
BadGirl12880: k
ABlueMew2: sorry about that... burnt popcorn is the worst smell
BadGirl12880: lol yep
BadGirl12880: we came so close to meeting yall at that concert!! we were right by the buses i saw u in ur bus and kev howie and br
ok(that's Brian for all of you non-BSBers out there) but not nick LOL (That's because I'm oh so shy...)
ABlueMew2: man... that bus... there was a group of girls at the Cleveland concert that tried to run it over... it took Nick going out there and scaring the hell out of them to get them to stop following
us(sadly, this really did happen. I was driving,  Blue was the passenger. But instead of Nick coming out and sccaring the hell out of us it was AJ. Yeah... and you thought he was some mugger or rapist or something like that....)
BadGirl12880: oh hehe guess we wont do that next ti
me(Yeah...they really don't like it when you hit their tour bus.)
ABlueMew2: it's all good... we're used to it
BadGirl12880: yea but  we dont wanna bug yall
l!(If you were so worried about annoying the BSB, why did you IM someone you thought was one of them?)
ABlueMew2: seriously, it's okay... we really are used to it.
BadGirl12880: we were right in the front of the law
n!(Lawn? What the fuck is the point in going if all you're going to see is five dots on a stage???)  so we saw ya but next time i am getting front row cuz i know a ticket broker!!(Yeah. and when you're there, scream to AJ and tell him about how much you enjoyed talking to him... I'm sure he'll rememer it...)
ABlueMew2: lawn... well, at least you were there
BadGirl12880: yea true!
BadGirl12880: you know V13 rig
ht(I'm a horrible AJ... I don't know a damn thing she's talking about)
ABlueMew2: hold on... phone cal
l.(again... looking it up on the net.)
BadGirl12880: well they noticed us at least theyre like hey to the 3 grils in the very front of the lawn with the jean jackets this song is 4 you
ABlueMew2: yeah... they're gre
at(Thank you for telling me they're a band that opened for the BSB... you made my life a hell of a lot easier.)
BadGirl12880: yup yup
ABlueMew2: Personally, I loved it when Destiny's Child opened for
us(That was my fave opening act for any concert I've been too... I guess AJ would like them too...)
BadGirl12880: i already met howie though so im closer hopefully to meeting you all!
BadGirl12880: oh yea ? LoL
ABlueMew2: Howie's a great person
BadGirl12880: yea hes a sweetie!
ABlueMew2: so, did you watch the benefit concert?
BadGirl12880: yes i did
BadGirl12880: it was amazin
ABlueMew2: well, thank you.
BadGirl12880: ur welcom
e!(for God fucking sakes... don't used abbrieviations when you talk to me.... they only piss me off.)
ABlueMew2: yeah... It was great... I don't know why that man wanted me to wear that hat backwards... I know I do stuff like that, but man, it wasn't appropriate for tha
t.(Social commentary by Blue... I was very proud of AJ for turning that hat around to the normal hat wearing direction.... *applauds AJ*)
BadGirl12880: b
rb(are you calling all of your friends and telling them you're talking to me? Girl, you are just about as intelligent as Nick...)
BadGirl12880: hehe
BadGirl12880: sorry
ABlueMew2: no prob doll
BadGirl12880: i was lovin that  outfit u were wearin!
!!(It was a yellow suit. We were all wearing colored suits...)
BadGirl12880: nick was lookin sexy too!!! L
oL(Actually, I thought he looked fat. And he looked stupid. A royal blue suit is NOT right for him.)
ABlueMew2: lol... yeah... thanks... and I'll pass that on to h
im(Hey Nick, the moron thinks you're a sexy bitch)
BadGirl12880: oh no no no
BadGirl12880: hehe please dont im incredibly scared of him knowing i like him lol im shy i gue
ss(*glares* You are afraid of Nick, but yet you're talking to "AJ".... I don't get it.)
ABlueMew2: why not? you told it ti me?
BadGirl12880: wait you mean that i thought u were ho
t?(No. I'm not as stupid as you think... I realize that you think Nick is a sexy bitch.)
ABlueMew2: can't be that shy if you're telling people
ABlueMew2: nah... that you said Nick was such a hotti
e.(*smiles* I know I'm a hottie.... thank you doll.)
ABlueMew2: trust me... he's heard it all before
BadGirl12880: well i duno im shy and outgoi
ng (o_O.... Shy and Outgoing... riiiight... Last  I checked, those were OPPOSITES!) but 4 some reason i duno well ya know what? what the hell tell him its not like i know him anywayz!(heh... that makes two of us)
BadGirl12880: i bet he has you both are my favs though!! yall all cool in ur own way
s!(Again, let's learn English sentence structure... punctuation is a GOOD thing.)
ABlueMew2: lol... I'll do that for
ya(Nick, she still thinks you're a sexy bitch)
BadGirl12880: hehe tha
nx(*hugs moron* It's good to be loved....)
ABlueMew2: but if it worries ya too much... I won't tell him
BadGirl12880: itz all good
BadGirl12880: so u all finally chillin at ur homes agai
n?(I am... don't know about AJ)
ABlueMew2: well, we were out taping that episode of Sesame Street that we're going to be in toda
y. (Seriously, they're going to be on Sesame Street... and Arthur... You don't know how much I want to see AJ as an animated rabbit)
BadGirl12880: oh really sesame street?
BadGirl12880: thats different!!
ABlueMew2: yeah. didn't you watch the View toda
y?( I DID!!! That's where I'm pulling my AJ-ness from!)
ABlueMew2: we were on.
BadGirl12880: i wasnt home my mom was suposed to tape it!
BadGirl12880: didnt it end at 10 or somethin?
BadGirl12880: dude its weird everyone thinks of u guys like gods and all that but u are seriously really cool down to earth guys!
!!(Uhh... yeah.... we're REAL down to earth guys...)
ABlueMew2: umm... I'm not too sure what time zone you're in.
BadGirl12880: lol opps. . . i see
ABlueMew2: It was like 11 when we taped it.
BadGirl12880: i seee
ABlueMew2: but that's New York.
BadGirl12880: its so cool cuz at ur concert this dude came up to me and hes like would u ever model or act in our place and im like sure OMG ur on
TV(Girlie... those people are usually in some sort of racket for stealing money from gullible girls... guess he found the right target. And yep. I'm on TV... that's why I"m talking to you...)
BadGirl12880: AH
HH(Chill... I'm not AJ...)
BadGirl12880: thats weird theres nick! and u in ur red ha
t!(Yep. I was wearing the red hat. And I'm the international pop star...)
ABlueMew2: so does that mean you were one of the sexy ladies that were in the middle?
ABlueMew2: lol... can't help myself... I've said that line too often
BadGirl12880:  yessaa i was L
oL (So was I... lord... I can't believe you haven't caught on yet...)
BadGirl12880: its all good!! sounds cool to me!
ABlueMew2: let me see... I can remember the Detroit concert... I'm really trying to remember the Chicago on
e.(That's because I WASN'T at the Chicago concert)
ABlueMew2: I know my pants almost fell down at the Detroit one... god.. that suck
ed(But it was funny as hell!)
BadGirl12880: oh man security is mean over here. . .  they are like  girlie u have better chances of gettin struck by lightning and winnin the lotto in the same day than even gettin close to them so get over
it (It wasn't real tight in OH... AJ walked up to the car I was in.... but we almost hit him...)
BadGirl12880: LoL !
ABlueMew2: yeah... I have no ass.
BadGirl12880: LOL yea ya
do(No, I don't. I've said it too many times for you to tell me that I have an ass.)
ABlueMew2: k. I don't see it...
ABlueMew2: Why else would my pants fall down?
BadGirl12880: lol well my friend rhea would know she  is obsessed wit y
ou(Obsessed with me? Well, I'm touched... She means me... god... you're almost as bad as the moron)
BadGirl12880: maybe they slipped!!!
ABlueMew2: lol... yeah doll... that's it.
BadGirl12880: hehe
BadGirl12880: i cant wait till u come back to chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!(Uhh... yeah. I'll be coming to Chicago.)
ABlueMew2: lol... give us a break! we just finished one tour!
BadGirl12880: i have so much fun! and once its over its like damn. .  . now i have to wait another year to see that agai
n!(Girlie, we know the feeling! But we  don't think that BM is actually AJ...)
ABlueMew2: Brian and Kevin want to spend some time with their families, and we all need a break
BadGirl12880: yea i understand that totally!
BadGirl12880: have u ever been to the club ground zero
ABlueMew2: doll... i don't want to be rude, but seriously, everything is a blur... I can only remember big things that happened during this tour
... (I hadn't been able to find anything about the damn club)
ABlueMew2: and other than that, I'm just tired.
ABlueMew2: I'm sure I've been there
BadGirl12880: lol its okay!! i was just wonderin cuz this security guard is supposed to hook me up to meet you guys well actually nick and thats how i met howie
ABlueMew2: lol... that's cool
BadGirl12880: he just called me and hes like what r u doin im like listenin to bsbs hes like ya wanna meet em im like omg ur jokin!
BadGirl12880: yea it is
BadGirl12880: so how are you now? im so happy youre better!!!!
!!(Well, I've got mono... how about you?)
ABlueMew2: well, thank you.
BadGirl12880: oh no prob!
ABlueMew2: It's been a struggle, but I will tell you that it is SO much better to be sober. You can remember things much better
. (Sobriety fucking sucks! I'm planning on getting drunk off my ass this weekend!)
ABlueMew2: 112 days no
w.(Thank god I don't have class at 11 when the View is on)
ABlueMew2: And I thank God every day for letting me make it through.
BadGirl12880: yea well im glad your okay!! i was like gettin worried. . . i saw it on trl and i saw nick cry and stuff and i was like N
OO (How can you get so upset about a person you've never met??? Lots of other people go in to rehab every day, and yeah... they don' t get this kind of hype.... and LOL NICK CRIED!!!)
BadGirl12880: i know i have been countin to
o!(Dear lord, she's more pathetic than us)
ABlueMew2: yeah. I may check myself back in.
BadGirl12880: wh
y?(Because that's what he said on the View)
ABlueMew2: Not that I have a problem, but that it was so nice there
ABlueMew2: it's the way the world should be.
BadGirl12880: yea that true!
ABlueMew2: and we're all one big family in there. I had so much fun just being an average person!
BadGirl12880: ya know that song u sang in the tour bus that one where its like i wanna be happy
ABlueMew2: yeah... what did you think of i
t?(Again, I'm clueless about this one... AJ sang on the tour bus?)
BadGirl12880: thats awesome! i think yall should just have time to chill and not worry bout anything like everyone else
ABlueMew2: amen to that.
BadGirl12880: omg i loved it!!! it really touched me! will it be on a c
BadGirl12880: cuz man that was like a song that just really makes ya think ya know?
BadGirl12880: other than that only bsb songs an Journey inspire m
e!(she's definately worse than us)
ABlueMew2: well, we're going to take a break, then we're going to start on our next CD. we have to discuss songs as a group, so even since I like it, if say, 3 of the others don't, it probably won't make the CD
BadGirl12880: aww thats too bad!
BadGirl12880:  well i hope it does!
ABlueMew2: It probably will... unless they decide it's bad.
BadGirl12880: this one dude is scaring me right now hes always stalking me and wont leave me alon
e!(Why would you tell this to AJ?)
ABlueMew2: stalkers.... lol....
ABlueMew2: sorry, it's not funny.
ABlueMew2: like what's he doing to you?
BadGirl12880: lol i know but hes a freak .. .  he doesnt know when to stop
ABlueMew2: have you said anything to anyone else? maybe they could help you stop this.
BadGirl12880: hes like istant messaging me and he wont stop! so i always block him then he sends me emails and hes like i love you so much and he like attacked my ex boyfriend cuz he is a whack
o! (A "whacko?" Wow... such harsh misspelled words...)
ABlueMew2: and if worse comes to worse, just get a restraining order put on him
BadGirl12880: yea im thinkin bout it
ABlueMew2: that is horrible that people get so obsessive about things.... if someone says to leave them alone... by God, that person should respect their wishes
ABlueMew2: so are you going to buy our CD tomorrow?
ABlueMew2: (I can't help but be a shameless self promoter)
BadGirl12880: well it was really cool  talkin with ya!! tell everyone i said hey and good luck w/ everything! YES I AM!! i always buy it the first day i bought 10 copies last time LoL well i hope ill ttyl and next time ur online  just im me if ya wanna tal
k!(Oh yeah... Hey PB... wanna group chat as Nick and AJ the next time we see her online?)
ABlueMew2: ok. peace.
ABlueMew2: later.
BadGirl12880: You and Ths Boyz Take Care!! peace ou
t!(Yeah... me and the boys will take care... I'll be sure to pass that one along too...)
ABlueMew2: I'll keep that in mind.
BadGirl12880: hehe cool!
ABlueMew2: sweet dreams do

So what is the moral of this story? Basically, Blue CAN and WILL screw with your head if you're gullible enough.

Anyway, I didn't believe BM at first. So I created a new screenname. And on the third night, "Nick" joined in the conversation. Comments b
y BlueMew, PsychoBitch, Nick, and AJ.

BadGirl12880: hey..
KaosBringer14: hey
BadGirl12880: hows it goin?
KaosBringer14: Good.  What's up?
BadGirl12880: nothin much!
KaosBringer14: Sweet.
BadGirl12880: how ya doin aj? . . hehe LoL
ABlueMew2: just making some coffee over here
(yep. I really was making coffee... read the AJ McLean diet on my profile)
BadGirl12880: lol !
ABlueMew2: gotta keep drinking that
BadGirl12880: i cant stand that!!!
(Coffee is god. I think I've had 10 cups already.)
ABlueMew2: doll, it helps pull you past cravings.
(Again, refer to the AJ diet)
BadGirl12880: it tastes weird. . . ..  hehe
KaosBringer14: Coffee?  Dude, it kicks ass!
(Yes! Coffee kicks SO much ass!)
BadGirl12880: drink dew!!!!
BadGirl12880: dew kicks ass!! 
ABlueMew2: dew? it tastes like soap
KaosBringer14: Gotta agree there.  I LOVE Mountain Dew
! (Thank god I have his profile memorized...)
BadGirl12880: hehe me too
BadGirl12880: aj .. .  you like dew
ABlueMew2: dawg... you are a walking advertisement for dew
KaosBringer14: Dude, gotta love the Dew.
KaosBringer14: Coffee's good, but Dew is definitely better.
BadGirl12880: true that
ABlueMew2: I'll stick with my coffee.
BadGirl12880: itz all good i like the flavored kind
! (You would...)
KaosBringer14: Straight espresso, tons of creamer
(Again, thank you so much BSB Fan Club...)
BadGirl12880: heh heh
BadGirl12880: hey nick. . . . do you know missy pojeta i know i already asked a
j (FUCK!)
KaosBringer14: Sounds familiar, but I can't remember where from.
BadGirl12880: F
L (*whispers* childhood friend doll)
KaosBringer14: Can't remember.
BadGirl12880: itz all good!
KaosBringer14: Who is she?
(*smacks forhead* CHILDHOOD FRIEND)
KaosBringer14: I know too many people.........I can't remember them al
l (actually, I wanted PB to say "I know too many girls to remember them all"  but noooo... *glares*)
BadGirl12880: umm she my best friends cuzin shes 21. . .  she knows you from the dance studio?
BadGirl12880: or recording studio sumthin i duno
KaosBringer14: brb
KaosBringer14: Popcorn problems
(aka PB and I are trying to figure out what to do if she truly knows this person and tells them about this... PB and I really don't want to go to court.) (Yeah, but we would get to meet them then!)
BadGirl12880: k
(shouldn't this be a clue that we ARE NOT Nick and AJ? Do you really think they would be having constant popcorn problems?)
KaosBringer14: I swear the popcorn button on the microwave is set to burn
BadGirl12880: lol
KaosBringer14: So how did you find AJ?
BadGirl12880: well i duno i wa just bein carzy and emailn people and im like hey whats up cuz i was bored and i ended up finding out it was him and im like omg. . . youre kidding lol
(*glares* ENGLISH PLEASE!!!!!)
KaosBringer14: It's fun to do that.
BadGirl12880: yyep
ABlueMew2: heh... don't you do that a lot Nick?
KaosBringer14: So what are you doing?
KaosBringer14: Oh yeah.  I like IMing people just to talk to them.
BadGirl12880: im just chillin listening to music you?
KaosBringer14: Chillin.  Listening to Gorillaz
ABlueMew2: yeah... just got the Linkin Park goin' here.
KaosBringer14: Dude, Linkin Park is sweet.
BadGirl12880: lol im listening to journey hehe dont make fun!
KaosBringer14: Journey's cool
(That's even more sappy than boy bands!)
ABlueMew2: nah... it's all good. If you listen to our stuff, you'll listen to them. No prob there
BadGirl12880: lol
ABlueMew2: so yeah. we're not talking at all
. (10 minutes passed... we were hoping she fell off a cliff or something)
KaosBringer14: Yeah
BadGirl12880: sorry im tired!! im out of it today! LoL
KaosBringer14: It's cool.  I understand the quiet part.  For real.
ABlueMew2: you? quiet
? (*glares* I can be quiet when I want to)
BadGirl12880: hehe
KaosBringer14: Ok.  Not quiet.  Tired.  I'm spacing majorly dude.
ABlueMew2: sorry man... can't help myself
KaosBringer14: So which one of us do you like better?  You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
ABlueMew2: NICK! That's not appropriate
! (Yes it is! Must make the moron squirm!)
KaosBringer14: Sorry dude.
ABlueMew2: lol... but I know.
BadGirl12880: hehe ummm . . . i like you both alot! i really do i mean i dont know u so i cant really say but if ur sayin who do i have up on my wall a lil bit more well its kinda nick. .. aj knows though
KaosBringer14: Coo
l (You know... I'm beginning to hate the shrine)
BadGirl12880: but  i will be bck in a hour or so? yall gonna be on?
KaosBringer14: That sweet!  I've just got pictures everywhere
. (Of Howie and AJ...)
KaosBringer14: Maybe
ABlueMew2: don't know.
KaosBringer14: Might nap before I go out tonight.
ABlueMew2: taking me with you?
BadGirl12880: alright well if not it was nice chattin w/ you guys! Take Care! Peace Out!Have Fun!
ABlueMew2: you'll need a designated driver, yo
KaosBringer14: Peace dude
ABlueMew2: peace
BadGirl12880: bye!
KaosBringer14: Nope.  Trying to be sober.
KaosBringer14: Bye
ABlueMew2: bye

So what did you think of that
Dawg, she's stupider than Daisuk
How can she believe that BM and PB are actually two Backstreet Boy
Intelligence. Pure, Unadultered intelligence

Anyway, here's day four. Today, "AJ" has her blocked because after the group chat, she informed BM all about how she knew Leslie Carter, my sis.  But this is BM talking as me to the moron.

BadGirl12880: hey nick
KaosBringer14: hey doll
(dear god, why do you torment me with this?)
BadGirl12880: whats up
KaosBringer14: chillin.
KaosBringer14: watchin' tv.
BadGirl12880: thats cool . .
BadGirl12880: how was ur day today?
KaosBringer14: borin
g (definately. I went to Speech class and talked about my friend's dead horse)
BadGirl12880: oh im sorry
KaosBringer14: yah. I slept most of the day.
BadGirl12880: lucky!
!  (no, it's not lucky.. it means that I'll be up at midnight updating the site)
KaosBringer14: yeah. but now I won't sleep at all tonight! which just sucks. since I don't feel like going out or anything.
(aka Podunk doesn't have anything that stays open past 10)
BadGirl12880: ohh i hate going out! i just like chllin at home all the time and going to parties sometimes
KaosBringer14: so how bout you? what you do today?
BadGirl12880: nothin just stayed at home went to rehersal and fell asleep listenin to music
KaosBringer14: sweet. that sounds like a nice quiet day
. (actually, it sounds about as boring as mine)
BadGirl12880: yup im lovin it too
BadGirl12880: tomorrow will be hectic though i got a dance to go to and then 2 partys!!
KaosBringer14: dancin's fun. so's partying
. (I hate dancing)
KaosBringer14: AJ and I went out last night. It was some fun shit
. (Yes it was!  We got drunk off our asses!)
BadGirl12880: cool glad u had fun
KaosBringer14: yeah. It's fun to like go karaoking in clubs... and pretend to not be able to sing.
(PB and I can't sing at all.)
BadGirl12880: lol we do that all th time
BadGirl12880: i got a question
KaosBringer14: k... shoo
t (me) doll
BadGirl12880: whats do u guys usually do after the concerts in chicago im jw u dont have to tell me
(I usually go home...) (And we usually go to the next venue)
KaosBringer14: depends on how soon we gotta get to the next place.
BadGirl12880: i see
BadGirl12880: cuz last time  omg i wrote you a long note! 4 pages and it was black and blue and everything and i was seriously right next to ur tour buses when u left but the security was really bad and really big so i kinda just gave up LoL
(I'm just not even going to say anything...)
BadGirl12880: uh oh. . . hold up phone call!
BadGirl12880: alright  . . im back
BadGirl12880: ya still there?
KaosBringer14: sorry doll... went on an ice cream ru
n (actually, I had a floor meeting. My RA bet me that she would get a different alarm clock that didn't wake up the whole floor if I could keep this conversation up... guess she's off to Wal-Mart right now)
BadGirl12880: lol its alright
BadGirl12880: so hows aj doing today? did ya see hi
m (AJ? How you doing?)
KaosBringer14: talked to hi
m (...I hate you... all of you...)
BadGirl12880: coo
l (k... guess he's going through a craving right now...)
KaosBringer14: he's just chillin at home now.
BadGirl12880: its so cool. . . cuz i know security and i know people that get me front row tickets so next time yall come here ill be able to be in front row
! (dear god I pity the BSB)
BadGirl12880: oh you guys are home now? that has to be nice!
KaosBringer14: he is... my flight leaves tomorrow morning.
BadGirl12880: oh i see!
BadGirl12880: do you seriously live right by the ocean?
KaosBringer14: yeah... it's sweet.
KaosBringer14: I LOVE the ocean
! (gotta love the internet... and
BadGirl12880: me too!!! omg youre sooo lucky!! i would be out there alllllll the time!
KaosBringer14: oh, I am.
BadGirl12880: thats cool
KaosBringer14: brb
. (had to go practice part of the AJ diet)
BadGirl12880: k
KaosBringer14: I'm back now.
BadGirl12880: k
KaosBringer14: so what you got planned for this weekend
? (I'm suprised I can type this horribly)
BadGirl12880: well  i have a concert and then i have my friends party then the dance and 2 other parties!!
BadGirl12880: but i duno its kinda alot to do. . . so maybe ill skip the parties and just chill
BadGirl12880: how bout you?
KaosBringer14: goin to the beach.
KaosBringer14: and sleepin
g (Actually, I have to work.)
BadGirl12880: ohh man youre lucky!
KaosBringer14: and visiting the sibs
. (*sighs*... I hate my brother)
BadGirl12880: that sounds fun
KaosBringer14: yeah. It's cool to see them all.
BadGirl12880: yea i bet!!!! you must be so happy to see them!!
KaosBringer14: yeah... Aaron's so funny... and Angel and Leslie... they're great too.
BadGirl12880: thats cool!! yea i love aaron hes awesome
! (there we go! Someone more your age... how about we find you an Aaron to chat with?)
BadGirl12880: i like leslies song that, like wow song!!
(Leslie sings??? )
KaosBringer14: hehe... he's gonna be like me one day..
. (Yep. Aaron's going to be a female equestrian major in Ohio...)
BadGirl12880: lol
KaosBringer14: yeah... they're all so great... and it's so much fun that we all sing.
BadGirl12880: yea i bet!
BadGirl12880: thats what i wanna do too
! (*shakes head* oh dear god...)
KaosBringer14: very cool. It's a great life.
BadGirl12880: yea it sure does seem like it!! i dont care if im not like a pop star or famous i just love  singing so i just wanna do that!
BadGirl12880: oh. .  you  play guitar right?
KaosBringer14: yeah... it's fun
BadGirl12880: is it easy to learn?
KaosBringer14: yeah doll. If I can do it, anyone can!'
BadGirl12880: lol cuz im getting a black one wit blue flames! its gonna be soo sweet
KaosBringer14: that'll be sweet... mine's blue
. (Thank god I took a pic of Nick playing guitar from the third row at Detroit... or else you wouldn't have known that.)
BadGirl12880: hehe
BadGirl12880: so whatcha doin tonite?
KaosBringer14: watchin tv... gonna play my guitar soon. I wanna play my drums, but can't have em in a hotel.
BadGirl12880: lol drums are cool. . . im learnin to play that too. . . cuz well my friends have a punk/rock band and two of them play guitar one plays bass and one plays drums so they r teachin m
e ( now you're going to be a punk rawker...)
KaosBringer14: punk rawks!
BadGirl12880: oh yea!!!
BadGirl12880: everyone thinks thats what im gonna be . . . cuz all i wear is shirts that say rock or rock on or punk and i have  shirts with electric guitars so they wanna put me in the band LoL
KaosBringer14: lol... but that's cool. I'd love to do some rock stuff
. (Thank god I have no life and watch TRL religiously)
BadGirl12880: yea i lovvveeee rock n roll!!
KaosBringer14: so what you think of my hair recently? I'm thinking of growning it out again.
BadGirl12880: i love it!! i liek it way  better this way cuz it looks really natural and down to earth and cool!
KaosBringer14: lol... I was thinking of maybe going back to the "millenium nick" but lol... that would be wierd
. (I would hunt him down and glomp him so fast if he started the Millenium look back again...)
BadGirl12880: why? i liked that too my fav. is when you have it longer and like combed down in the front though!
! (NANI? You're fucked up...)
BadGirl12880: i duno im thinking of getting blonde highlights but i duno yet
! (you should go totally blond... it would be quite fitting)
KaosBringer14: nah. brunettes are better.
BadGirl12880: lol thanx i like blondes dudes thogh i duno it doesnt really matter!
KaosBringer14: lol
BadGirl12880: hehe
KaosBringer14: nah. it's all good though. personality should be more important than looks
. (you just say that because you're fat)
BadGirl12880: thats what i say but now like where i am its the total oppisite thats why i dont really like anyone well theres one dude but ive liked him forr 3 years LOL
KaosBringer14: lol... yeah... it is easy to get caught up in looks.
BadGirl12880: i guess so lol
KaosBringer14: lol... and AJ told me I was shallow today... lol
(I am quite shallow...)
BadGirl12880: hehe
KaosBringer14: he's an idiot like that.
BadGirl12880: lol
KaosBringer14: so's lance though
BadGirl12880: lance?
? (excuse me... how many other Lances are there in the music business?)
KaosBringer14: bass
KaosBringer14: you don't think that I've never talked to him, now do you?
BadGirl12880: i hope not!!! that guys scary . .  no offenese if u do talk to hi
m (She's got a little sense after all!)
KaosBringer14: lol
KaosBringer14: nice guy though.
BadGirl12880: really?
BadGirl12880: what about  bald
y (*shudders* Timberlake...)
KaosBringer14: yea doll... there isn't a rivalry between us.
KaosBringer14: they're cool with us, we're cool with them...
BadGirl12880: well i know i personally dont like him
BadGirl12880: the rest are cool though
KaosBringer14: lol... now Timberlake... I just won't go there.
BadGirl12880: thats who i was talkin bout
BadGirl12880: lol
KaosBringer14: wait... so what you saying?
BadGirl12880: i dont like justin timberlake no offense he just has always bugged the hell outta m
e (ME TOO! If I EVER saw Timberlake in a dark alley, I'd run the other way screaming)
KaosBringer14: lol... me too
BadGirl12880: oh ok cool!!!
BadGirl12880: i thought u talked to him or sumthin and im like oops. . .
KaosBringer14: nah. Lance. the other blond, doll.
KaosBringer14: lol... gotta share beauty secret
s (read Battle of the Boy Bands on the fanfiction page... that's where this comes from)
BadGirl12880: lol
BadGirl12880: lance is my fav though
BadGirl12880: he just seems like a sweetie!!!!!
(yeah... he looks like a crack baby)
KaosBringer14: lol... yeah... he's a good guy
BadGirl12880: cool
BadGirl12880: its so weird. .  ive always wanted to talk to you and now that i do i duno what to say LO
L (Don't worry... you're not talking to Nick.)
KaosBringer14: lol... it's fine doll. I'm gonna go play my guitar anyway.
KaosBringer14: So I'll talk to you later.
BadGirl12880:  oh okay. . well maybe ill be on later. . 
BadGirl12880: if not ill be on tomrrow
KaosBringer14: k
KaosBringer14: :-
* (*pukes* Why the HELL did you send that to her from me!?! Now she thinks I'm a flirt doll!)
KaosBringer14: peace out doll.
BadGirl12880: take care!!! :-D bye

And thus ends the conversations with the girl that thought I was a Backstreet Boy.  A big thank you goes out to all who helped me through this fiasco, and well, it just proves that people are really that gullable. I don't know wheather I should feel bad or laugh at her.