To stimulate as a group of interested individuals the awareness of bass fishing as a major sport and to bring together these individuals for the improvement of CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, MORALE, HONESTY, INTEGRITY, CONSERATION, YOUTH FISHING, and FISHING TECHNIQUES. In addition, to detect and report any polluter or poacher of our waters and wildlife to the responsible authorities.  To function as a dynamic and effective link with other chapters of the Tennessee Bass Federation (TBF), embracing the principles and purpose of the Tennessee Bass Federation (TBF).

     NOTE: This Chapter is to operate solely on a majority rule basis of membership.  This Chapter will belong to and support the Tennessee Bass Federation (TBF) of the FLW, and shall submit a complete membership roster to TBF Chapter Federation Department in February of each year.
Rising Stars Bassmaster Information
    Thank you for inqiuring into the Rising Stars Bassmasters.  We hope that you find that we have the same goals for the sport of BASS FISHING and the ENVIRONMENT.  The information that you see here will hopefully answer some of your questions as you consider joining us in our love for fishing, the environment, and our families.  The information listed provides a quick overview of the information listed in our By-Laws.  For more in depth information, please look at our By-Laws page.
Our Purpose
Meeting Location and Time
     Location: Bob's Mountaneer Resteraunt, Chapman Hwy, Seymour, TN
Time: 7:00 pm
Date: 1st Friday of each month, unless it is a holiday, then the next Friday
Tournament Schedule
    You can view our complete tournament schedule from the home page.  One thing that you will notice is that we fish ONE club tournament a month from March to November.  This give our members the opportunity to spend time with their families and time to fish other tournament trails without interferring with the club.
Tournaments and Club Standings
    We encourage anglers to fish together and learn as much as they can.  Our tournaments are based upon a points system that has its bases built upon how anglers finish within our tournaments and attendance at our monthly meetings.  Tournament payouts are based upon the total weight an individual submits at the tournament site.  This provides a fair competitive environment for those anglers who wish to fish alone.
Membership and Tournament Fees
    Each club member is required to be a member of the Tennessee Bass Federation (TBF), and the FLW. Each new member will be asked to pay a non-refundable $10 initiation fee upon acceptance into the Rising Stars Bassmasters.

     Yearly Membership fees are $50.00 payable by February of each year.  In the event that a prospective member joins after June, their membership fees will be prorated.
Breakdown of your membership fees are;
     $15.00 to the FLW Federation
     $10.00 to the Tennessee Bass Federation
     $25.00 to aid in our State Team qualifiers.

     Tournament fees consist of $40.00 per boat (2 anglers) and includes Big Bass fee for both anglers.  Anglers who wish to fish alone will pay $20.00 and includes the Big Bass fee.

     The club retains $5.00 per boat for operating expenses that are incurred throughout the year and for angler awards given out in December.
Contact Rising Stars