Hey!!! it all its glory lol......enjoy!!!!

K....where do i start??? Um.....right...there was something about endless stupidity & destruction wasn't there? Yep...i've got it now lol. This world has so much beauty.....the stars...the trees...the animals...nature...the ocean.....the forests.....the rivers.......the canyons....i could go on & on about all the beauty. But with beauty comes destruction....i dont know why...but its been going on for as long as i can remember and then some!!! We destroy our earth...our home...and somehow think thats ok......that it wont effect us....why is that?? If someone came into your home and started pulling the place apart you'd get pretty angry right? Well thats what is happening to our our earth.....that is our home. The trees that get logged provide us with clean air.....they convert carbon dioxide into scientist has been able to come up with that.....and we have something here naturally that does.......but we dont preserve it...we destroy it. I think its the same as life...ultimately...we are killing ourselves....thats the scary truth. Did you know that there is only 20% of the natural forest left in Equador??? That is a scary fact......but its true...and we've got to realise the damage we are doing b4 its too late.

And soon it will be too late. We already have species that are extinct....they will never walk this earth again...ever.....that should be a warning......should've been a warning......but still nothing drastic is being done. We are drastically plundering this earth...and we need some drastic action to stop it. We just think that its long as it doesn't kill us...but what are we creating for our future children.....or even grandchildren. We want to give them the best life they can have....which would include preserving this beautiful they can enjoy they can see all its beauty.....and they can look back on our generation....not thinking of all the damage we have done....but all that we have done to preserve it. That is what i want......and i want everyone to realise that it is important to conserve and preserve, not destroy!!!    

Lets quit thinking we can do nothing. Lets stop giving up because it seems such a big task. Lets stop thinking 'what can I do?'. Lets take some action. Whether its only by making sure our trash goes in the bin, or by volunteering our time to a conservation project (ask the council).
We CAN do something. So lets do it NOW!!!
Preserving our world is worth a little effort, dont you think?     ~<O>~
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