XP Reinstall CD Howto

Author:  Mr Jay <jay>
  David-A-Karp (PCMag Article)
Release supported: Win XP
Last updated: February 16, 2005


Problem:  I want to create an up-to-date reinstall CD for WinXP
  Follow this HowTo

STEP 1: Copy all contents of XP install CD to a folder on your HDD (C:\XP)

** Need approx.  1GB of disk space on you HDD

** Need CDRW drive and some blank CDs

** Need valid install key for your WINXP

STEP 2: Download XP SP2 (Netadmin Version) to a folder on your HDD (C:\SP2)

** the filename is WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe

STEP 3:  At the Command Prompt type.. c:\sp2\WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe /integrate:c:\xp


STEP 4:  Copy all driver files to C:\XP\Drivers

** create sub-folders VIDEO, NETWORK, WIRELESS, etc

** Expand self-extracting exe files and zip files to these folders.

** DON’T include any drivers that are not tested to work on your computer running XP.

STEP 5: Use IsoBuster to capture BootImage.img to your Desktop

** http://www.smart-projects.net/isobuster

STEP 6: Burn all the contents of the C:\XP folder to a CD using BootImage.img to make CD bootable