E-Smith/SME SystemImager HowTo
Author:  Ruwan Jayasinghe <rjayasin**lausd.k12.ca.us>
Contributor: Darrell May
Release supported: SME 5.6U4
License: GPL
Last updated: April 13, 2004


Problem:  You want to use SystemImager to keep and replicate your customized SME 5.6 Server

Solution:  Follow this Howto

STEP 1: Setup a “Server” to accommodate the space needed by the image/s. 

1. Setup a Base install of E-Smith 5.6 or 6.0 on a HDD with enough space to hold the images.

2. Get access to the command line through “Putty” on a windows client or ssh on a Linux box on the same network.

3. Make sure that this server is able to connect to the Internet.

STEP 2: Download the installer script to the above server’s /tmp

[root@e-smith root]# cd /tmp
[root@e-smith root]# wget http://sisuite.org/install

[root@e-smith root]# chmod +x install 

STEP 3: Download and install this RPM (perl-XML-Simple-1.08_01-3.i386.rpm)


[root@e-smith root]#

wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/a/apt4rpm/perl-XML-Simple-1.08_01-3.i386.rpm


from http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/1084074/com/perl-XML-Simple-1.08_01-3.i386.rpm.html or here

[root@e-smith html]# rpm –Uhv  perl-XML-Simple-1.08_01-3.i386.rpm

STEP 4: Install the server software


[root@e-smith-server tmp]# ./install --verbose systemconfigurator 

[root@e-smith-server tmp]# ./install --verbose systemimager-server  

STEP 5: Install the client software on the client(or other box) to be cloned


[root@e-smith-client tmp]# ./install –verbose systemconfigurator 

[root@e-smith-client tmp]# ./install --verbose systemimager-client  

STEP 6: Prepare the (Golden)client box to be imaged

[root@e-smith-client tmp]# prepareclient

STEP 7: Aquire the image from the client to the server

[root@e-smith-server tmp]# getimage --golden-client your.client.ip –image sme56up4base

 STEP 8: Create a boot floppy or boot CD to autoinstall the client

[root@e-smith-server tmp]# mkautoinstalldiskette


[root@e-smith-server tmp]# mkautoinstallcd

 STEP 9: Add the hostnames to the “dhcp server” including the mac addresses of each box to be cloned

The “server” which if it also functions as the dhcp server for your network needs to recognize each NIC card from its mac address so it can tie the given hostname to that cloned box. These hostnames must match the ones set out when the “getimage” utility ran the “add-clients”.    


For all the(gory) details, see here.
